Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bright and Shiny Wednesday

Beth and Rami at Casino

Up at 6:30, lots of light, and a wonderful 56 degrees, a great night for sleeping if the windows were open.  Rami and Evie got up soon after me, and we played around with Aperture, my photo program, as I am cleaning it up and trying to get rid of duplicates, with a program I bought named, aptly, Duplicate Annihilator.  It is not as easy as they say.  What is.


Tyler and Beth

Evie with Marisa and Mitch

Sated with wings and ice cream

Yesterday was another great day to be outside, a fairly breezy day, the lake choppy, sometimes with white caps, just perfect for laying out on the dock, swimming and just taking it easy, enjoying the kids.  Beth and I did shop briefly in Mayville, picked up some goodies we love from the Lighthouse, kielbasa and pea meal bacon, and best of all, a large basket of local peaches.  They are amazing right now, sweet and juicy.  We had wraps and leftover for lunch, sat on the front porch, and Evie and Rami began talking about how nice it would be to have a fan on our front porch.  That led to Rami saying that he had put in fans before and before I knew it, I was at Home Depot with Rami buying a fan.  Since Evie had Rami on her side, there was no contest.  I just went with the flow.  We hope to put it in later this morning, after Rami gets back from his 40 mile ride around the lake.

For dinner, we all went on our wing pilgrimage to the Casino.  It's been an ongoing summer event for at least 30 years and all our children and grandchildren look forward to this night.  We got the usual, at buckett of wings and then some, a pitcher of Blue Moon, and fries.  All were happy.  The kids played the games, leaving the adults alone to talk.   After wings, the kids played on the swings and then we walked through Bemus, stopping to buy ice cream cones at the counter at the Bemus Point Market.  It was crowded with people, doing a stellar business as it was a great night to be outside.  We got home around 9:00 and were in bed by 10:30.


  1. Hope you're taking pictures of the fan installation.

  2. Hi everyone! Great to see your smiling faces! Love to all!


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