Pink Sky in Morning |
I am getting spoiled by the beautiful morning skies but the weather's changing, the clouds are coming in, it's warming up into the 40's today though snow is possible tonight. We are going to clean up the yard in a few minutes while the ground is still frozen; later in the day, because of the high lake level and snow piles and rain, the lawn gets really soggy. Today we hope to walk a trail in Mayville, one that actually is for snow mobilers, I think, but it supposedly goes all the way to Westfield if you continue on it.
Walking in Lake View Cemetery |
Yesterday, we went for a walk in Jamestown, in the Lake View Cemetery, where all of Jamestown's famous are buried. It's reminds me of Cleveland's Lakeside Cemetery in Little Italy though not as grand. It's wooded roads and trails make for an interesting walk, looking at trees, graves stones, some dating back to 1820 I believe. And the most famous, which I didn't realize, is Lucille Ball. There's a pathway with a heart shaped stone, leading to a four foot monument with the name Ball on it. I went to Wikipedia and found she was buried in Forest Hills, CA, but in 2002, her children had her grave interred and she was moved to her hometown of Jamestown, where she now rests. She lived here on and off, at times were her grandparents, some with her Mom and step dad, some with her step dad's severe parents, till she was around eighteen when she first went to New York city for acting lessons. She would return for brief periods, then head back to New York and eventually Hollywood to make here name.
We were really excited yesterday over the photo album from Apple and it's spurred me to creating a couple more of them, two for our other good friends who treated us so well in Turkey, Hasan and Sami, as well as one that follows are stay, complete with my journal.
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