7:44 |
8:13 |
Sunny At 9:01 |
It's 8:18, the winds blowing, and we are sitting here, reading the news, bemoaning our fate. We have a busy day because we have someone coming over in the morning to give us an estimate for renovating our downstairs bathroom with a walk-in shower and in the afternoon, Cory, our plumber, is coming over to provide us with an estimate for air conditioning our downstairs with Mini Splits.
Where's The Open Water |
Canadian Geese Nesting On Ice |
Yesterday like most Tuesdays and Thursdays, was a good day because Evie had kindergarten and I usually have yoga. For me, Thursdays begin with breakfast in Bemus, always a fun way to start the day. I am usually home by 9:00, finish up the blog and get ready for yoga. Unfortunately, our road is a mess, with a couple of excavators digging trenches so we have to use the Pine Hill road rather than Park Way. The work has stopped just before our house so I am not sure what next week will bring. Yin yoga class was easy, just hold a pose for two or three minutes then move on. After class, I did not linger especially because of the weather, rain and sleet, and came straight home to the mess of our road. I talked briefly with the workers who suggested that they will drill underground in our area rather than dig a trench.
Lunch was the leftover Hungarian goulash and I watched my show Deadwind. It's not quite as good as the first time I watched it because I remember the murderer. Evie didn't get home until 2:30 and I made sure she took the Pine Hil road because Park Way was still blocked with trucks, piles of dirt, and excavators. At least by the time they left, the road was passable though muddy and rutted.
Dusk |
A Nasty 6:06 PM |
Our afternoons have been leisurely the past few weeks, reading, napping, and watching TV and Thursday was no exception. By 5:30, we were enjoying wine with an appetizer, nachos and edamame, a nice surprise. We feasted until 7:00 and had a light dinner, soup and sandwiches, just right. We watched the usual home improvement shows, some Colbert, and ended the night with a Cheers, just for laughs.
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