Monday, March 3, 2025

Mosly Cloudy And Cold

Neighbors, Jeff And Nancy



When I came downstairs at 7:30, the sun was out but now, at 8:15, it's cloudy and still cold, 17º. Looking ahead though, it's supposed to get up to 50º on Wednesday, the warmest it's been since November. 

Yesterday was a day of rest, as it should be, and not much different from the previous week.We were both up by 7:30, had our coffee, and decided we were not g going to do much, an easy decision. Around 10:30, after breakfast and the blog, I went outside and once again, shoveled and cleaned the snow off the car. Since I was out, I decided to go for a walk around the Woodlawn/Victoria woods. At times, it was difficult because I would sink six or seven inches into the snow, at others, I was able to stay on the surface of the icy snow. I came home via the lake, still frozen and safe. It felt good to be outside, despite the temperature in the teens and the wind. 


Not Much Of A Path


View Of Woodlawn

Around 12:30, Evie made me a Turkish omelet with feta cheese and tomatoes and I watched some basketball. The rest of the afternoon went quickly and if you read the blog, does not change much. I am into my book, Hostage Zero, a Jonathan Grave thriller and took a good nap of course. Evie's into The Crown and since there's at least three seasons, she will have full afternoons for the next week. 

We met at 5:00 for a glass of wine and to enjoy the waning of the day, as the sky turned dark blue, then black. Since there was still chicken and asparagus left over from Friday night's dinner, I suggested having that again since it was so tasty. Evie was game so along with a salad, we had an easy dinner. We watched an episode of The Pitt, then an episode of White Lotus before turning to the Oscars for a half hour. Evie then went up to bed and I watched a series I know I have watched before but I liked it enough to watch it again. It's called Deadwind and is set in Finland, a crime thriller. I then watched a few minutes of the NBA and went to bed.


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