Wednesday, July 19, 2017

A Hazy Sunrise

On The Dock With Linda And Ron





I was up just after 6:00 in time to see an orange orb rise above Long Point, trying to blast through the clouds.  It's 63º and a light haze still hangs over the lake.  It looks like another good one here on the lake, lots of sun and not too hot.  It's later than usual for my blog but I kayaked over to Tom's Point and back, skirting the shoreline, looking for blue herons and finally found one among the reeds.

Finally, A Sighting

Up Close
Yesterday was my first day without yoga still I had, what seemed to be, a large morning.  I filled it with a good paddle early, before anyone else was up.  Evie soon got busy in the kitchen, prepping a dinner for our kids next week and I was her dishwasher extraordinaire.  This took a good part of the morning, or until Halle got up, well rested at 10:30.  She had her usual breakfast, a blueberry bagel with cream cheese.  She then joined me and we drove over to see our friends, Linda and Ron, because it was moving day for them.  Only Linda was home but she gave us a quick tour of their new home, semi filled with furniture from their cottage.  The truck with their other furniture from Pittsburgh was on the way but we missed them.

We left as they seemed to have things under control and did not need our help.  Halle had some corn chowder for lunch and I finished off the enchiladas.  By the time lunch was over, Evie had had enough of the kitchen, so she and Halle went out on the dock to enjoy the afternoon.  My only chore was to fill up two five-galloon cans of gas for the boat, making sure it's ready for the weekend.  I am reading one of the hot young adult books of summer, THE HATE U GIVE.  It's really a book anyone would like, most of us should read and a perfect book for any high school.

Making Cole Slaw With Halle
I joined Halle and Evie on the dock for a bit.  They came in for a break, a smoothie and to play some Telefunky before coming back out for a final swim.  Around 5:00, all three of us came in, got dressed and started prepping for dinner since Linda and Ron were coming over around 6:00.  It was a Chautauqua perfect late afternoon, so we sat on the dock, drinking a beer and enjoying pita chips and hummus.
Shooting The Breeze With Linda
They seemed relieved to take a respite from a very busy week.  Now, everything is moved in but lots of boxes with stuff to put away but that can wait.  I grilled steaks outside and  Evie made up a coleslaw, salad, mushrooms and baked potatoes.

Another Dinner Al Fresco
We ate outside because it was another pleasant early evening.  Dinner was enough for the five of us, the meat tough and bland, fit for Linda's cats. They stayed until 9:30, regaling us with stories from the past few days, the kind that when they happen are not funny but are in retrospect.  Anyways, their long journey is almost over and within a few days, they will have a brand new abode, ready for company and entertaining.  We cannot wait.

We ended the evening with another episode of FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS.  I think the three of us are going to miss watching it come the weekend when everyone arrives for the week.

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