Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Fickleness Of Winter...Another Thaw

Happiness Is Hiking In The Woods

Well, it's 8:00, both Evie and I are up, as the snow and lake begins a twenty four hour thaw.  We can see about twenty feet of water along the shoreline before the ice and snow begins.  A solitary fisherman is out, sitting in what looks like a puddle of water, off of Warner Bay.

Fishing In A Puddle
By the end of the day, the mud and dirt will take over from the whiteness of snow.  It's already 41º although it will not get much higher.  These thaws are, for us, the worst part of winter.  Fortunately, the frigid temperatures return tomorrow, fickleness redeemed, and we can expect another 5-8 inches of lake effect snow.

Yesterday was in the 30's, gray, with an occasional drizzle.  We, however, were determined to get a hike in before lunch.  We first relaxed for a couple of hours, in no hurry to get outside.  And Evie wanted to make another pot of lentil soup so I could have it for my lunch.  Around 11:00, we drove over to Bemus, to the end of Lakeside Drive, in a light drizzle.

Long Point
Fortunately, it stopped just as we started our hike through the park.  We did not wear snow shoes, thinking the trails would be firm enough from other hikers so that we would not sink into the snow.  And, for the most part, we were correct.  It was eerie walking through the naked woods, no green, just the vertical skeletons of trees, the disappearing white of the snow.  We ran into a couple of groups as we walked out to the tip of Long Point, making us realize that Monday was probably a holiday for most people.  We hiked about three miles and were very happy to get back to our car.
View Of Fishing Tents From Tip Of Long Point
We were home around 1:30, and Evie heated up the soup and left over egg pizza and I had lunch.  I watched another episode of Wallander, then took a sound nap, finally waking up after an hour. Meanwhile, we mostly meaning Evie, stayed busy.  Two days ago, we had moved end tables downstairs from our bedroom to the living room.  So yesterday we moved the end tables in our bedroom to the window, and put the downstairs end tables next to our bed.  Got it!?!  Anyways, by 3:30, our bedroom looked spiffy, actual end tables, not wooden file cabinets next to our bed.

Pizza A La Evie
Around 5:30. we got out the wine, then Evie started making our dinner, homemade pizza with the pizza dough she made on Sunday.  She is still experimenting with both the fermenting of the dough and finding the right temperature and method for baking the pizza.  She made two fresh mozzarella, mushroom and pepperoni pizza on a round cast iron pizza pan from Mario Batali.  She experimented with times and temperatures and both pizzas were good, crusty and the cheese melted.  We ate it with salad and a Pepsi, for some reason a Pepsi always sounds good with pizza and watched the last episode of The Night Manager which had a conclusive and happy ending, surprise.  We then watched some junk TV because there was little on TV other than a few meaningless bowl games and news channels or HGTV shows.  I am reading a hot new crime thriller, IQ by Joe Ide, set in the LA ghettos with an unusual protagonist or detective, a solitary twenty something who gains the respect of his neighbors for solving their problems. So far, so good.

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