Thursday, December 8, 2016

Waiting, Patiently, For The Snow

Late Afternoon Sky
It's 6:50, still dark obviously, a little colder this morning, 31º, and snow predicted in an hour but when I checked the weather map, it looks like we may miss it temporarily.  We will just have to wait and see.

Yesterday was a carbon copy of the previous day, as Evie still does not feel well though she is able to function on and off during the day.  I, too, am a bit under the weather, but I was able to keep busy getting some things done.  I just hope I did not overdo it.  First, we got back to what we are good at and made another list of things we forgot to get the day before, looking ahead more carefully to the weekend, making sure we had all the snacks and food we needed.  I was outside by 9:00, doing a final raking of the leaves from our Bradford Pear and picked up more twigs.  Finally, I think, I am through in the yard.  I then put away all of our various tools, chairs, etc, in the attic of our garage, swept the now almost empty garage,  and now I can fit one of our three cars in it.  By 10:30, I was at Ryder's Cup, getting a cup of coffee, saying aloha to my Lakewood friends before driving off to Wegman's, once again.  I made a quick trip through it, picking up necessities like good cheese, ice cream, chips,  and cookies for my tea time.  We are now ready for the blast of a winter storm.

December Kayaking
When I got home, Evie despite feeling blah, put together the first step of Beth's Sopa With Tomatoes and Noodles, and also made a marcaroni and tuna fish salad for our lunches, a summer dish usually but it tasted great even in December.  We then both relaxed, watched some TV and I read and took a  brief nap before getting up, antsy, so I cleaned up the kitchen.  Yesterday, by the way, was a surprisingly sunny day, despite the dire forecast, so I got out my life vest and went for a December paddle in my kayak, down to Sandy Bottom and back.  My hands were frozen by the time I returned, so I will have use my winter gloves next time.

Victoria Woods

Woodlawn Creek
I then read for awhile, as Evie prepped some of our salmon and garlic spinach dinner.  I soon rose, put on my hiking boots and went for a nice walk in our Victoria/Woodlawn woods, just as the sun was setting.  It was great to see the Woodlawn Creek flowing, a result of recent rain and snow.  And the green woods have  turned to brown, as leaves now cover the forest floor.  It was good to be in them again and I cannot wait to walk it when it snows.

We relaxed for an hour before dinner, me with a glass of wine, Evie with Vernor's Ginger Ale, a panacea from her childhood.  Hope it works.  We had salmon and garlic spinach for dinner, always good, with a salad and watched the last three episodes of Showtimes's The Affair.  It's the third season so we were a little lost at first but quickly caught on.  We liked the first two episodes but not the third when they introduced Noah's latest paramour, a  faux French medieval scholar, who gives dinners for her students where they seem to discuss nothing but sex, just like my college experience.

We were in bed early.

It's now almost 8:00 and I stepped outside to take a photo and felt a snow flake hit my face.

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