Tuesday, December 20, 2016

And The Sun Also Shines




It's 8:20 and I am listening to MSNBC replay the Turkish attack on the Russian Ambassador.  Tragic like what happened in Berlin. And the American Embassy in Ankara was also attacked by a militant brandishing a shot gun this morning.  Fortunately, no one was hurt.  And yet, here on the lake, it's a beautiful morning, only the news mars the day.  It's a chilly 9º and it may get up to double digits later in the day.  But we may have some sun for the next couple of days. And it's about time winter begins, as the winter solstice is tomorrow.

Yesterday was another cold, gray day here at Chautauqua.  It's nice to be able to stay warm and cozy in our living room.  I am getting better everyday, coughing less and gaining more strength.  It's going to take some time before I get my mojo back but I am optimistic.  So my day was mostly relaxing, occasionally doing some dishes, watching lots of TV, heating up my lunch or taking a nap.

Evie, however, drove off to Lakewood to get some things done, stopping at Wegman's to pick up a few things.  Neither of us were sure what to have for dinner, as nothing sounded good.  We finally settled on meatloaf so she picked up some ground round and Lipton's onion soup mix.  We both like the old tried and true meatloaf from our childhood none of these modern meatloafs with vegetables or other bizarro ingredients.  So she was gone for a couple of hours and luckily, the roads were fine and it did not snow.  She also picked up another bird feeder to feed her newest obsession,  but once we hung it, we decided it was not the right size so it's going back.

Evie put together the meatloaf, cleaned the brussel sprouts and put the potatoes in the oven around 5:00 and we both then were able to sit down and enjoy dusk with a glass of wine.  It felt good to feel good again.  Dinner was great, nothing like meatloaf and ketchup, baked potatoes with butter and sour cream, braised and tasty brussel sprouts and a salad.  And best of all, we have enough meatloaf left for sandwiches and a dinner.  We watched another episode of HBO's THE AFFAIR and it seems like all our favorite series are hitting low spots.  Too much dialogue, not enough action.  We ended the night with Vice news, some junk TV before going up to bed.

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