Monday, December 7, 2015

Frost In Morning


I slept like a baby, did not get up until 7:30, in time to see the sun rise off to the south.  Around 7:40, it peaked over the tree line.  It's a chilly, no cold morning of 27º, and the windows on our car are frozen.  It may get up to 40º later in the day.  Evie just came down at 8:30, commenting on how deliciously quiet it is around here, just silence, an empty lake, only a few birds at our feeder.

Sunday was as it should be, a lazy do little day.  Even though we are retired, the weekend still feels different from the week, and Evie was bemoaning yesterday evening over the end to the weekend.  At least we did not have to drive back to Hudson, Ohio, our routine for years until 2009 when we retired here to the lake.

Around 11:00, we began to move, got out our hats and gloves and drove to the Chautauqua Institution for our Sunday walk.  The yards are beginning to look ragged, as all the plants have died out, the leaves fallen, a wintry landscape of mostly brown.  It was, however, great walking weather even though we worked up a sweat, perhaps we overdressed.  It's fun to watch two new houses going up, as they grow upward each week. And the most surprising, there's work going on inside the amphitheater, with a couple of bobcats and a small steam shovel, doing some digging and pews have been moved.

Digging In The CI
Moving Pews
We were home in time to see the beginning of the Bills' game which we watched for ten minutes before turning to CBS Sunday Morning.  Evie had put together a new cookie recipe before we left for the walk: white chocolate, apricot oatmeal cookies and baked them in between frying baking and eggs, buttering toast.  What a woman.  Breakfast was the best meal of the week...bacon helps as does a toasted baguette to eat along with eggs.

We did little the rest of the afternoon, like most days, watched some TV, read, napped, made Turkish tea, and around 5:00, I went out and raked some more leaves and twigs, finally finishing up our yard. Dinner was leftover cabbage rolls with sauerkraut, mashed potatoes and a salad and we watched the President's address to the nation, then the typical attack on his fecklessness by Fox News, then Homeland, which does not paint a very nice picture of Middle Easterners.  The show has been accused of being Islamophobic.  Occasionally, they will throw in a good Muslim, but mostly, males from the Middle East are cast as terrorists.

I am deep into another Joe Nesbo novel, THE REDEEMER, following the personal difficulties of Detective Harry Hole as he solves crimes.

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