Friday, April 26, 2013


I almost did not write this book review because the novel was so silly, obvious, moving toward the big climax, with no doubt as to the outcome.  The hero, Frank Madriani, some how gets involved with a Mexican hit man, assassin, Liquida, who vows to get Frank for spoiling a big money deal.  The novel begins with his attempt to kill Frank's daughter, Sarah on a small farm in Ohio.  He fails of course, and moves on to his next job, helping a group to find two rogue NASA scientists.  He heads to Thailand, first, to pick up his money, then to Paris, to find the two scientists, then to Mexico, where the group is trying to put together a weapon that will eventually destroy parts of the US and Israel but make it look like a natural disaster.  Got it.  Of course, Frank follows Liquida, against the wishes of the FBI, to Thailand, then Paris, then Mexico.  He travels with his girl friend, Jocelyn and buddy Harry Hinds, as Liquida leads them on a wild chase.  Meanwhile, his daughter, in a safe house, becomes friends with an Israeli agent, there to find out if she knows anything about her father.  When they find out on that he is on the track to find this 'weapon that will destroy Israel', they leave the safe house, jump on a plane, that just happens to be filled with Israeli Special Forces.  Frank and company, Sarah and her Israeli agent, all arrive about the same time at this hide out where the scientists are working on the weapon.  They end up destroying the lab, killing most of the bad guys, and Sarah kills the assassin, Liquida, avenging the killing of her best friend as well as the Israeli agent.  What a ride.

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