Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sunny Morning on an Empty (of people) Lake

Up later than usual, 6:45, 59 degrees outside, with a forecast of rain, perhaps, along with some sun.  It was supposed to rain last night, now the rain has been pushed back a day or so it seems.

Today, I take Evie to the Buffalo airport, as she flies west to visit her sister, Laura, in Las Vegas for a week.  The weather there sounds, like every where, record setting warm, in the 100's almost every day, quite a change from the cool, fall like 70's we have been having here.

With the kids gone, it seems like I have nothing to write about and wonder how I have kept up this blog for almost two years without them.  So here it goes, about yesterday.  The major event of the day was a long boat ride, slow and easy, with a lunch, down the west side of the lake to Mayville, then back the east side from Dewittville to Maple Springs, to Woodlawn, about two hours on a wonderfully clear day, sky and lake blue, a nice breeze, so that you needed a fleece if we went any faster then a crawl.  We had heard that the north end of the lake was filled with weeds and once we got to Mayville, we had to turn around as they were on the surface practically out to the middle of the lake.  I wonder what people who live along Sea Lion Drive do about boating, as the weeds would make it hard to enjoy the water.

We then read on the dock the rest of the afternoon, or got things ready for today's trip for Evie.  We did not swim as the lake still seemed to have an algae bloom though it seemed to come and go in front of our dock.  We had sundowners on our front porch, then went inside for a dinner of chicken Parmesan, from Saturday night, and watched a couple more episodes of Political Animals, a new mini series on USA network that follows very closely the political lives of Hillary and Bill.  Sigourney Weaver plays Elaine Barrish, the ex philandering President's wife, who decides to run for President.   Sound familiar?  It's filled with cliches, the gay son, the philandering husband, the young female reporter, the wonks, not much new but we must have liked it well enough to keep watching it though I admit to falling asleep during last night's second episode.

Off to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned, then some last minute shopping, then about 1:00, we head to the airport.  After I drop off Evie, I have a genius appointment at the Apple store at the mall to go over some quirks on my Air Mac.  I will probably stop at Dick's as well, and pick up some fishing gear, always the optimist that I will find that perfect lure, this time Little Cleo.  And tomorrow, I am going camping for a couple of days so I will find something, I am sure, that  I will need.  Perhaps a generator so I can watch TV, use my phone and Mac in my tent, a real camper.

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