Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Hazy and Warm Saturday Morning


Evie of the Lake
Up to the sound of bass boats at 6:30, the sun still hidden by the hillside, some color in the sky but mostly a pale light pink sky.  It's 60 degrees at the moment, perhaps getting into the 80's later in the day.  A empty day ahead, nothing I have to do, nothing planned.  Presque Isle is having a kayak paddle but it begins at 8:00, too early for me on a Saturday.  So, I know when Evie gets up, we will go for a paddle as the lake is calm right now, only a few fishing boats.

Yesterday, we went kayaking around 8:30 over to Tom's Point, then back along Wells Bay, at times paddling through viscous algae blooms, at times the water seemed clear,  no discernible reasons why one area was green, the other almost clear.  So it is on most of the lake.  I wish I new how long it lasts, whether you can swim in areas where it appears to be fairly clear.  I am surprised that the Post Journal or the Health Department don't have daily updates on the health of the lake, on whether locals and tourists should be  swimming or boating in certain areas.  Basically, very little is said unless the CI closes its beaches, which they have for the past week or two.  Then it gets put in the paper.

Late morning Evie went to Jamestown, to shop and return some things at the Mall.  I decided to bike, so I drove to Ron and Linda's, parked my car, and rode to Webb's, took their trail though the woods, a neat path that connects with Rails and Trails and continues on to Sherman, I think.  I rode out for about three miles, to Barrett Road, then headed back.  It took just over an hour to ride, a little tougher on the way out as its a gradual up hill but I never really had to stop.  And it's really neat in some sections, where the rail road had to be built up thirty or forty feel above the forest floor, to keep it fairly level, which makes any rail road trail great for biking, a bit boring perhaps for hiking because they are so flat.

We relaxed the rest of the afternoon until I got the hankering for tacos, so I drove to Mayville, to Tops, to get the makings, stopped at the Mayville Library to pick up a book for Evie, at Mc Clures to pick up Evie's sunglasses, left from the night before, then home about 5:30.  We then went for a booze cruise, over to Bemus and back, still warm on the lake unless we were moving fast enough to create a breeze.  A nice early evening to be on the lake.  We both devoured the tacos, just what we wanted, and watched the further decline of Walter White on Breaking Bad.  Things are not going to end well for Walt and  Jessie, I fear.  We keep thinking he's going to revert to the good guy he was at the beginning of the series, but he constantly compromises his morality, thus weakening the hold it has on him, if it ever did.  Is he Everyman and we, like him, could also fall prey to such evil?  Probably.

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