6:20 |
We miss Evie! |
Fleurs in Evie's Garde |
Woodlawn from Long Point |
It's too early, 6:16 and a cold 47 degrees outside, as I sit here with sweats and socks on for the first time in months. The cool air is invigorating, I have to admit, as are the beautiful clear, comfortable days we have had recently at the lake, harbingers of the fall to come.
Yesterday, around 9:00, I took a long kayak ride, off to Tom's Point, the across to Bemus, and then I paddled back along Lake Drive to the tip of Long Point and home to Woodlawn. The lake, unfortunately, was green with algae my entire paddle, some areas worst then others. It was not very desirable for swimmers, but I did see skiers out as well as wake boards. And later in the morning, when I took a bike rode around Bemus and Long Point, there were lots of boats docked off of Long Point Bay, in their usual spot, to avoid the wind. I really enjoyed my bike ride and I am pushing myself some, to see if I can get better at climbing hills, my Achilles heel so to speak. It was a perfect day for a bike ride, lots of people riding on Lake Drive.
Most of the afternoon, I relaxed and read, since little of interest was on TV. I do miss not having the Olympics to turn to if bored with what I was reading. The lake got much busier in the afternoon, quite a contrast to the morning when I felt like the solitary boater on the lake. It was almost too cool to sit out on the dock, but with a fleece, I was warm enough.
For dinner, the Mc Clure's picked up the Leonards, our next door neighbors and me, and we drove off to the Rod and Gun Club for the prime rib special. Crowded as usual, we didn't get there till 7:00. We sat in the lounge, had a pitcher of Labatts for $5.50 and were called to the dining room within twenty minutes. We did not need menus as all four of us ordered the Queen's cut, with salad and potato for 11.95, the best bargain on the lake. Everyone loved their meal, with only Joyce taking home a doggie bag. It was a good night, lots of interesting conversation about the 'old Jamestown', though we missed our leader, Evie. And no one gambled, as we realized when we left. I wonder why?The dining room thinned out quite a bit by 9:00 when the band began and we left after a couple of numbers. It was a good way to end the day.
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