La Dolce Vita |
Woke to an almost imperceptible light, about 6:00, and decided to get up and see if it had rained. A bit over night, though it hardly dampened the rain gauge, and a humid 68 degrees outside. It looks like the kind of day which brings rain on and off all day but it just doesn't seem to want to rain on our little patch of the lake. No wind just a whisper from the south. Evie and I are sitting on the front porch, as Marisa and Halle are playing with cars and trains and the frog which they captured at the Gorge last Saturday. It's hard to believe he has survived but there he is. Tommy and Mary left about 15 minutes ago, no tears, fortunately, as the departure went easily. They are such a great family, easy to be around, both kids happy just to be at the lake with their Granny and cousins. It amazes all of us how well the girls get along, with hardly a harsh word, mostly taking turns when there is a choice to make. And Nick and Mitch enjoy each other, with Tyler, the leader, occasionally harassing the girls, which is annoying to all but that's boys, I guess, at any age.
Feeding chickens a the Blueberry Farm |
Each day it seems quieter, as Beth and Tyler left yesterday, Tom and Mary and family today. In a week, the silence will be deafening until next July, alas, though it's always good to get back in to your routine, at least for awhile. Then, we will just jump in the car and go visiting our kids, spontaneously perhaps or planned, whatever we wish.
Blueberry Boys |
We have no plans for today, either during the day or for meals. Maybe we can get by today with what we have in the freezer, or left overs from the past two days. I don't feel like going to the store, nor does Evie and a simple meal sounds good have the last two nights of debauchery.
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