Thursday, August 25, 2011


Another Brad Thor thriller, which follows Secret Service Operative Scott Horvath, this time responsible for the President as he goes skiing in Utah with his daughter.  The President ends up being kidnapped but the daughter is saved because of the intrepid Scott.  Of course, in the attempts to find out 'who done it,' Scott somehow takes the blame, must flee the country, and solve the disappearance on his own mostly, though the pretty girl shows up to help.  We see Thor's distrust of government as the responsible parties, as we learn in the first chapter, are really a couple of US senators and an oilman, intent on stopping the President from basically raising taxes on their oil profits.  A bit far fetched, as mercenaries from Switzerland and the Middle East are involved and Scott ends up escaping numerous assassination attempts, usually without a gun.  It's miraculous how he does it.  I got tired of this by the end and don't think I will dip into another one for awhile. Horvath is just not Jack Reacher.

1 comment:

  1. Nobody can beat Jack. Did you know he has a new book coming out in Sept--The Affair.


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