Thursday, January 2, 2025

Gray Skies And Snow



I was up early, 6:45, to six inches of freshly fallen snow and a cold 25º morning. It looks like I will have to shovel before driving over to Bemus for breakfast with friends at 8:00. 

Yesterday was a quiet but enjoyable January 1st for Evie and me. It was our usual routine despite the first day of the year. We both slept in some and had our coffee at 8:15, enjoying a second cup while listening to the news and having breakfast, my usual yogurt with granola and blueberries. It was snowing some, a wet snow but I decided to go for a walk around the Woodlawn/Victoria woods. It ended up being enjoyable, a good choice as the woods, the trees, were frosted with snow, making it a winter wonderland. I was out for a little over a half hour and returned home to shovel before coming in to warm up.

Hiking Path



Around 11:50, Evie received a text inviting us to our neighbors for a swim. Evie wrote back we would swim over. We watched five of them jump in from our house although Evie wanted to join them. Around 1:00, I had a couple of meatloaf sandwiches for lunch and watched the first quarter of the Texas/Arizona State bowl game, By 1:30, I had enough and decided to read and take a nap, waking up at 2:15, refreshed and ready to have a leisurely afternoon. Evie had been busy much of the morning, making lentil soup and putting together our dinner, what else on New Year's Day, pork and sauerkraut. 

Late Afternoon

It was a nasty afternoon, threatening, dark skies and wet snow and Evie loved it. We did little the rest of the afternoon other than play on our devices, read, or watch TV. At 5:00 we had wine time and listened to the horrible news about New Orleans for the fourth or fifth time. We had our dinner around 6:30, the pork and sauerkraut with mashed potatoes, and watched the first half hour of a highly recommended film called Lucky Logan. And as usual, we didn't like it and watched some HGTV and Cheers until Evie went to bed. I had recorded the Ohio State game so I watched quite a bit of their lopsided victory over Oregon and then some NBA before going up to bed. 

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