Saturday, November 14, 2020

Morning Mix Of Sun And Clouds




I am sitting in a living room filled with sunshine after waking up to a sky gray with dark clouds.  What a difference a few hours make.  I paddled down to the Powerboat Club and back and shot a raft of both coots and hooded mergansers so it was worth the trip. It was a chilly 36º but without a wind so it was pleasant.

Kayak Morning

A Pair Of Hooded Mergansers

A Raft Of Coots

Mallards Along The Shore

Northern Sly

Southern Sky

Friday was another fine day, some clouds some sun with temperatures in the 40's, just right for a hike.  So after kayaking and breakfast and getting a few things done, we drove to Mayville and walked Webb's Trail, which follows an elevated train track for a couple of miles.  It was a good choice, the path newly covered with gravel and we walked for a good hour, on a mostly leaf-covered path.  

Trail Follows A Train Track

Looking North Towards Mayville

It felt good to just be outside and breathe in the cool air.  On the way home, we made the mistake of stopping at Timeless Treasures,  a shop, and walked out without something we don't need but had to have, a woolen birdhouse in the shape of a Volkswagen Van.  Now that was unique but we are not sure where to put it.

How Cute

We were home by 12:30 and I ate up the rest of the chicken, spinach and rice for lunch and watched some of Patriot but it does not grab me so I will be looking for something else to watch during lunch. I then started a new book, Transcendent Kingdom by Yaa Gdyasi. I read her first novel, Homecoming, and really liked it.  Of course, I fell asleep while reading it, deep sleep for over an hour and woke refreshed and ready for bear.  So what did I do?  I read on the couch, listened to Drumph whine, then drove over to Bemus Point and picked up a pizza for our dinner.  Neither of us felt like fussing and pizza and Pepsi sounded good. 

We enjoyed our own happy hour with crackers and horseradish cheese until 7:00.  Evie made a salad, heated up the pizza and we were happy, sitting in front of our TV,  watching another episode of Colbert and The Great English Baking Show.  We ended the evening with cherry pie and ice cream and some of the news before going up to bed, happy from a good day.  

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