Wednesday, November 18, 2020

27º And A Leisurely Snowfall


I am starting to warm up as I sit here after paddling for forty-five minutes.  Fortunately, the wind died as I started out so it was pleasant to be out on the lake despite the temperature and the falling snow made it even better.  I saw mostly mallards, hugging the shoreline, a few mergansers but they flew off as I neared them.  

Kayak Morning

Southeastern Sky


No Safe Distancing

Yesterday was a miserable gray and snowy day, wet snow mostly, making it unpleasant to drive or to walk but that did not stop us. I skipped kayaking because of the heavy winds, muddling up the lake's surface.  We are starting to feel really isolated because most of our neighbors and friends are becoming more strict about getting together, rightly so.  We have vowed to get out each day, despite the weather, for a walk or hike as a kind of therapy for being stuck in our house.  Because yesterday morning was snowing off and on, we decided it would be best to walk the Chautauqua Institution because the roads would not be icy from the snow.  It was a good choice and we walked for about forty-five minutes, just enough for us to feel good about ourselves.  

Thunder Bridge

We were home around 11:30 and Evie decided to get in a big shopping day at Wegman's, a kind of retail therapy.  I can understand it as I also felt the need and bought a coffee pot a few days ago, a guilty pleasure. For lunch, I had the lentil soup and finished the sub from Wegmans.  The guys in Long Way Up finally hit the road but are having all kinds of trouble with charging both their electric motorcycles and cars.  It's a rough start.

While Evie shopped, I read quite a bit of my novel, Transcendent Kingdom, and am almost finished.  I do not like it as much as her first book but stuck with it.  I was not tempted by the weather to get outside, so I just enjoyed an easy, quiet afternoon, napping, then reading, and watching some news.  Evie arrived home about 2:00, the car filled with groceries since it was senior day -- 5% off Tuesday.  I helped lug in the stuff while it snowed and Evie put things away.

A Brief Dose Of Blue At 4:10 PM

At 5:00,  Evie had a Zoom call with her sisters, something they do every Tuesday at 5:00.  We have dinner down as I order the steak special from Steener's Pub at 6:00, just as she is finishing and pick it up at 6:20 and am home by 6:35. Evie quickly puts the fries in a hot oven for a few minutes, plates our steaks and fries and we are happy.  We watched Colbert interview Jake Tapper, a news anchor we really like.  We then watched two very different episodes of The Crown, as they wander away from the Queen, focusing on Margaret's depression in one.  We ended the night as we have the last few nights with The Hour, two more episodes to finish the series.

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