Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Just The Two Of Us




I am getting used to 'just the two of us' and it ain't so bad!  It's 8:40, we are both on our couches, on our devices, enjoying a cup of coffee, looking at the gray sky and lake, wishing we were on the road like last fall, to celebrate Thanksgiving with our kids. This year it will be the two of us, as it has been for months but I am not complaining; we are healthy, able to enjoy our life here at the lake.  I did get in a boring paddle of forty minutes, no birds to speak of, just mallards and perhaps a hawk that flew away before I could get a shot.

Kayak Morning North

Yesterday went quickly like most days here despite the quarantine of sorts. I was up early, kayaked, wrote the blog, had breakfast, and showered because I had a dentist appointment at 10:00 to get a new crown, yep another one.  Afterward, I picked up a bottle of wine for Thanksgiving and stopped for coffee, having to ask the barista to put on her mask. I get why she might not wear it all the time but when a customer comes in, she should put it on.  

When I got home, I was energetic as was Evie, having been busy most of the morning, and finally cleared out my garage so I could put a car in it when the heavy snows arrive.  It's always a good feeling to close up everything and be prepared for the winter, shovels down from the attic, bags of deicer out for the walks. Lunch as another bowl of potato, chard, and garlic soup and toasted cheese sandwiches.  I am watching a new show on Netflix and am sticking with it even though I am not entirely sure what is going on,  It's called Inhuman Resources, whatever that means.

Bemus Point Cemetery

I am enjoying my new book, Anne Cleves The Long Call but not enough to avoid a nap.  The afternoon went quickly but we did manage to get in a walk at Bemus, down Lakeside Drive and a walk back through the Bemus Cemetery, always interesting.  Evie had a Zoom call with her sisters at 5:00 and I spent some time signing into our new Health Care PPO and talking to a representative, to make sure I am aware of all its perks.  We seem to change programs each year depending on services and price,  I hope we made the right decision.

Rhododendrons Path

Dinner was warming up the leftovers from the past two nights, pork ribs and sauerkraut, meatloaf, and mashed potatoes.  Both were tasty as always because they are leftovers.  We watched Colbert, some Shep Smith, then a couple of episodes of The Tunnel, Season Two, as it seems to get unnecessarily complicated with three or four stories.

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