Saturday, August 17, 2019

Lazy Saturday

Morning Pink

Up at 6:00 to a partly cloudy sky, a typical sunrise of sun, clouds, and shimmery lake.  It's 63º, some breeze, and we did get some rain overnight, just enough to wet the ground.  It's 9:10 and I was out for an hour, starting with a brilliantly sunny morning, ending with an overcast sky.  I shot an osprey seemingly picking at a tree limb, looking for insects perhaps.  And I shot an old guy, a heron, hanging in a tree

Kayak Morning

Osprey Picking

Hunkering Down

A Good Old Boy
Yesterday was another leisurely day as neither of us slept well so we had no big plans for the day other than get through it.  I did make myself go for a paddle and drive to yoga class.  It was a good choice because I felt much better after class.  When I got home, Evie had been busy getting things ready for lunch because our niece Kirsten's son, Connor, was stopping over after looking at a cottage on the lake which he is thinking of buying.  We expected him at 1:00 but he went to the house first so he arrived at 2:00 which was no big deal right.  It's not like we had anything we had to do.  We had lunch on the porch and sat around talking with him until 4:00.  He's been out of college a year, seems happy enough with his job and playing and coaching volleyball, his favorite sport.  I tried to talk him into thinking about going to Europe and playing volleyball. After all he's footloose and fancy-free, without a wife or three kids to hold him back like it 'didn't' me.  He seemed interested but it's a big decision.  He's the kind of kid that's more interested in living than making lots of money. 

We then sat out on the dock while he went for a swim and had a beer until we were chased in by a thunderstorm.  He then headed up to Euclid, a two-hour ride, in the rain, the same way he came and in the rain.  Since we had a late lunch, neither one of us felt much like dinner, so we sat on the front porch reading, having some wine, until 7:00 when we finally decided to have our lunch for dinner, a hot dog, beans, salad, and tuna and macaroni salad.  It was just enough and no fuss.  We watched Anderson Cooper's hour-long interview with Stephen Colbert.   Colbert is brilliant, thoughtful and empathetic.  When asked a question, he really thinks hard about what he wants to say.  He's such a striking contrast to the idiot in the White House that it was depressing.  We ended the night with his late-night show. We went up to bed early, hoping to have a  good night.

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