Friday, July 26, 2019

Fun Day On The Lake

Halle's Treasure Chest Finds

Sun Rising At 6:07

I was up too early to say but it's now 6:15, the sun has risen, everyone but me is sleeping soundly and I am listening to Morning Joe on Alexa.  It's 56º out, not a boat or kayak in view and it should be another great day on Chautauqua Lake with our family.  It's 8:25 and Evie and I are the only ones up.  I just returned from a paddle over to Tom's Point and was able to get a shot of an osprey, cool.  I listened to the Talking Head's Stop Making Sense Album from 1984.

The Grands



With Their Favorite Granny (in Chautauqua)
Yesterday early did not change much for me, up early, write the blog, take some photos of the sunrise, then go for an hour paddle.  On my way in, Tommy was out for a paddle as well, enjoying the morning and I ran into our neighbors, Jim and Tina, also out for a paddle and Kathy and Joyce, our next-door neighbors.  It must have been a good morning for a paddle.

The gang got up in shifts, with Marisa being the first, then Tom and Evie,  then the rest in some order with Jill last.  No one had much energy early so we sat around, with our devices, figuring out what to do with our day until Evie made crepes for the girls who were hungry.  After breakfast, the girls dug into the Treasure Box, for some the sixteenth time if not more.  It's always fun to watch them go through the box and they always end up with something they like, whether a two-year-old or seventeen-year-old.  Around 10:00, Tom, Mary and Marisa went to Lakewood to work out in The Fitness Bunker, a local gym which they like. 

Floating Mat

Relaxing Marlena And Halle

Halle's Tree Pose

Cooling It
Rumble On The Mat 

Seth's Harem
When they returned, Tom and I got out the new floating foam mat I bought from ChillMats, 6 feet wide, 16 feet long, able to hold up to 1300 pounds of grandchildren.  We tied it to a buoy and from then on, it was fun on the mat, whether playing king of the mat, doing cartwheels, or just plain hanging out.  It was not cheap but watching them have fun was worth the money.  Around 1:00, we came in for a break and lunch, sandwiches, leftover, ziti, or chicken tenders, enough to hold us over until dinner.  We then spent the rest of the afternoon on the dock, swimming, sunbathing, or playing on the floating mat.

Cruising With My Granddaughters
By 5:00, we had enough sun and came in, changed into dry clothes, then went for a booze cruise in our boat, over to Bemus Point, back along the shore and home, while sipping drinks, munching on Fritos and pretzels, as Evie took photographs.  It was a perfect late afternoon for a boat ride, neither too chilly nor to warm. 

Enjoying A Bonfire

Jilly And Marlena In The Dark

Marisa And Mary
When we returned home, it was time to get busy with dinner.  Evie had most everything ready to go, the 16 pork chops marinating in teriyaki sauce and the ratatouille already made.  So while she put together a salad, made some rice, and microwaved a couple of potatoes, Tom and I grilled the pork chops.  Dinner was more than enough as everyone devoured the chops, the salad, and the ratatouille although only Tom and I had a second chop.

The girls cleaned up the kitchen while Tom, Seth and I set up the fire pit along the lake's edge and started a fire with kindling, paper, and logs.  It was a good night for a fire, a bit chilly so we could ring the fire pit and roast marshmallows and make smores.  We stayed out talking and eating smores until 10:15 when we all pooped out and decided to go in the house and either go up to bed (the adults) or stay up a bit longer talking (the kids).





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