Wednesday, June 12, 2019

A Morning For Fleeces


I was up just before 6:00, saw the sunrise on a 45º morning, surprise.  It's partly cloudy, with some fog rising just above the lake's surface.  A few boats are out despite the chill and I will be out there soon with my fleece.  It's just after 9:00 as we finish up the blog.  I was out kayaking for over an hour, to Warner Bay, then across to Wells Bay and home, annoyed, however, by all the boats anchored along the shoreline, scaring away the herons.  I feel like telling them to get the heck off my lake.  

Kayak Morning
Yesterday was a fine fall-like morning, lots of sun but cool with a strong breeze.  I fought the waves while kayaking, happy to be home because of the northerly winds.  I was at yoga by 9:30, a good beginning yoga class filled with mostly yoga regulars.  The days tend to blend so I am not sure if I stopped for coffee or it was Monday when I stopped,  It was Monday.  When I returned, Evie was sitting in the side yard, catching up with our neighbor Joyce.  It was nice to see her relaxing, enjoying a leisurely day rather than cutting the grass, weeding, and planting.  I had some leftover chicken that Evie had found in the freezer for lunch.  It was obviously my day for chicken as we had it the night before and last night as well.  Around 2:00, I drove to Mayville for a yearly physical.  They have a new computer system, so you sign in on your own and soon, they will not need a receptionist.  I went over my history with Michael, he made a couple of appointments for me, drew some blood and I was on my way home within a half hour.  When I drove in, Evie was still out in the yard enjoying the sunshine so I grabbed my Kindle and went out to join her.  It was cool enough that we had to keep moving our chairs to stay in the sun.  

We finally came in around 5:00 when it became too chilly, but our neighbor stopped by and asked Evie to go for a brief walk.  So I had a glass of wine, read some, then Evie joined me, after putting our dinner, the chicken, mushrooms, and artichokes in the oven to heat.  We had the chicken, with rice and a salad and decided to finish the Chernobyl series because we had only two to go.  The most egregious yet important message was the lies told by the State, by the Russian government, to save face.  We could not help but think of the past two years of Trump's lies,  his calling anything he disagrees with, even facts, fake news.  It's a scary phase for our country where truth never seems to matter.  I am not naive about the lies politicians often tell; it was called Statecraft in the Chernobyl series.  Trump, however, has carried it to new extremes, muddying the distinction between fact and fiction or opinion.  We ended the night on a semi up note, watching Colbert although he skewers Trump each night for a few minutes.  It was good to get back to my book.

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