Saturday, April 28, 2018

A Great Blue Heron Morning

A quiet, windless Saturday morning on the lake, the view like a still life, occasionally marred by a duck floating by.  I should rush out and kayak before the wind picks up but I am too happy sitting here with my coffee, listening to C-SPAN callers, a scary look at real Americans.  Today they are discussing the differences between rural and urban America, more cultural than economic, as the rural life seems to be disappearing as the wealthy are buying up the land for vacation homes.   It's 8:45 and I just returned from kayaking, a calm, gray lake, pleasant even though I returned in the rain.


I decided to bag yoga on Friday, enjoy a leisurely morning, not like I don't have many.  Every morning seems leisurely.  Around 9:30, our boat guy, Chris, called to say he had my boat in his garage and I could drop off the reupholstered boat seats any time.  So that was my morning task, to drive 5.5 miles to his garage and drop off the boat seats.  The Outback could only hold half of the seats so I had to make two trips, not a big deal as I had nothing else to do.

Another Kayak Morning
I didn't get home until noon and was hungry, so I heated the other half of the Cuban for my lunch, filling and satisfying although I think I have had enough Cubans for a while.  Around 12:30, Evie left to go shopping and visit the chiropractor for the first time.  She was gone till 4:00, liked the chiropractor but is not sure how much it helped.  And she brought back a few things from T.J. Maxx, no doubt to be returned next week.  As for me, my routine did not change.  Watch some Jack Taylor, read, and take a nap, this time a nice long one.  I also watched some of the NBA playoffs until Evie got home.

Downy Woodpecker
We putzed around until 5:00, debating what to do about dinner, whether to make something or go out to eat.  Going out to eat won out so we left around 5:45 for the Rod And Gun, hoping that the wait list was not too long, that there were seats empty at the bar.  Well, there were just two seats empty at the bar when we got there and the wait list was forty-five minutes perfect for us to enjoy a beer or two at the bar, gamble some, then go in and have dinner.  We both had the fish fry, ten dollars with coleslaw and potato and it was one of the best we have had at the lake.  We were both turned off by our fish fry at another restaurant a couple of weeks ago but this one was really good.  We stopped to pick up some kidney beans because we wanted to make chili today and were home by 8:30, in time to watch the final episode of Doctor Foster, Season One, where everything works out for the best.  Then, the first episode of Season Two, where everything falls apart: "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned," seems to be a good synopsis of this series.

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