Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Rita's Back (Our Favorite Danish TV Series) On Netflix



Where Are The Fish?
A few inches of snow overnight and a partly cloudy sky herald the coming of dawn.  And when I looked out at the lake at 6:30,  another solitary fisherman was walking out on the lake with his headlamp lighting the way.  Cold and dark, it doesn't matter, the fish must be waiting.  And if you were from Mars and listened to this morning's debate on the talk shows as to whether Trump said shithole or shithouse,  you would think we all belong in an insane asylum.

Yesterday was sunny for a while, cold most of the day, no surprise lately.  We were excited for the end of the day because we were going out to dinner for the first time since New Year's Eve.  Evie was excited because she did not have to worry about dinner; I was just happy to get out of the house in the evening.  So we were in good spirits most of the day.  Mid morning, I decided to drive into Mayville, to pick a prescription, thinking I might also stop at the library but it was closed because of MLK day. 

Around noon, Evie drove off to workout at the YMCA and I heated up some noodles, added them to the leftover eggplant/tomato pasta sauce and had a filling lunch, along with some French bread.  I watched another episode of Berlin Station, only to find out that Hektor is not Thomas Shaw, the Edward Snowden in this series.  After lunch, I did my usual, reading, and napping.  And when  Evie returned from working out, she baked two baguettes of French bread which she had earlier shaped and left rising.  Around 4:00,  I was determined to get outside, so I put on my boots and went for a walk up through Kinney's run, the snow fairly deep but because of other hikers and cross-country skiers, it was easy hiking.  It was cold, in the teens, and windy so I stayed out for only a half hour.  Still, it was my first walk in a couple of weeks and it felt good to do something physical.

Together Again
Around 5:00, we both showered and got gussied up.  Linda and Ron picked us up at 6:15, just as it started to snow, perfect.  We took our time driving to Bemus because the roads were slippery.  The Seezurh House was as we expected on a cold January Monday, practically empty.  We are used to it.    I got my first burger in a couple of weeks, and everyone else enjoyed their meals.  We had not seen Linda and Ron since New Year's Eve, so we had a lot to talk about.  They are doing well, loving their new home, their first winter in it.

We were home by 8:00 and looked forward to getting cosy in our sweats or pj's.  We had no series to watch so I channel surfed between the Cavs and the Kansas/West Virginia games until I had enough and we watched a new episode of DIVORCE, on HBO, the second season starring Sarah Jessica Parker, both sad and funny.  It's easy to see how we could slide into being couch potatoes, not wanting to leave the house for any reason.  It was just so good to get home, back to our cosy home.

And if you have Netflix and want to find a great series, check out RITA, a headstrong and unconventional teacher and single mother.  If you do, you might 'get your Rita back,' as both Evie and our daughter Beth love to say.

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