Saturday, January 14, 2017

A Cold (17º) Wintry Dawn

Beware Of Dinner Guest Bearing A Selfie Stick



I was up just in time to see the sky begin to appear out our front window.  The lake's a vast, shiny sheet of ice, the sky partly cloudy but startling, with various colors and shapes.  When I opened the door to walk outside, I heard voices from some of the fishermen just off of Long Point.

Saturday Morning at 7:30
Not much of a change yesterday during the day.  I went to a good yoga class with Julie, lots of new faces which was neat.  Many were beginners, so I felt like a veteran, an old one at that.  I had to slow down some, wait for the others, so I did no appear to be a show off, a remnant of my upbringing in the 1950's.  Humility is all.  When I got home, I checked the Honda Accord to see if it still started.  It didn't.  So, instead of just leaving it there in the garage till spring, I called AAA and they were over in an hour and had it towed to my garage.  I will find out Monday what's wrong, probably a new starter, perhaps a battery.  Thank goodness for AAA; it seems every year we use it at least once if not twice.

Evie left for the gym after making me a Turkish omelet for lunch (a menemen), with feta cheese and tomatoes, another Turkish favorite.  I also had a bowl of cauliflower soup, so I was a happy guy.  The rest of the afternoon was the same, some TV, reading, a nap and waiting for Evie to return from the gym and shopping.

Wendy And Charlie
We were invited to our friends, Wendy and Charlie, for dinner so we left just before 6:00.  Our other good friends, Jane and Jerry were there, so we had a really fun night, talking as usual about our health for the first hour, then funny stories about things that went wrong on many of our road trips.

Jerry And Jane
Jane and Jerry had just sold their house, bought a new one on the lake, so we had lots of questions for them about their move, the new house, and when they were moving.   Wendy is a great host, dinner was delicious, as Evie and I both had seconds, and we did not leave until 10:15, happy and full from good food and conversation.

Pogo, Our Host Dog

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