Thursday, November 12, 2015

Wild Wind, Dark Clouds, Some Rain


Up later than usual, at 7:20 and I have to be off to breakfast before 8:00.  The wind is howling, dark clouds cover most of the sky except to the south, where the sun peaks through a crack, shining on the lake like the moon at night.  It's 45º out and will only get up to 52º later in the day.

Moussaka, Straight From Evie's Taverna
What did we do yesterday is a good question.  I am not sure at the moment, so I will have to think hard about that.  O, yea, Evie was in the kitchen cooking in tne morning because we were having the Linda and Ron over for dinner.   An easy dinner always takes a good part of the day, so while she made moussaka, soup, and a lemon curd almond butter cake, I basically was her dishwasher, my usual task.  Before that, however, I drove off to Lakewood, to return books, stop at the bank (closed because of Veterans Day) and wash as well as gas up my car because I was going to store it, the Accord, in a garage with my boat.  Around 11:00, Evie and I drove separately to the garage, dropped it off for the winter and that was the extent of my labor for the day.

Kayak Afternoon
Long Point In November
For lunch, I finished off the chickpea stew, watched some TV, and continued reading TALK,  a novel about a conservative talk show host in the Tampa Bay area during the Presidential elections.  Pretty funny and insightful.  About 2:00,  I was amazed to see the sun come out, the skies turn blue, so I got in my kayak and went out on the lake for forty five minutes, just enjoying being out on a sunny November afternoon along with one lone fishing boat, just off of Long Point.  A light wind made it enjoyable and easy as well as the warming sun.  I was excited to be out for probably the last time until December before the lake freezes.

Long Point Later Afternoon
Fall Browns/Golds
The McClures came over at 6:00, having been away for a couple of weeks.  Linda enjoyed five days in NYC with her sister, Janet, so it was fun to hear about her visit, especially being part of the audience at the Stephen Colbert Show.  We had beers before dinner, with cheese and crackers, and a cup of soup to warm us up, and a great moussaka, salad and sour dough bread for dinner.  Dessert was the almond cake with whipped cream with a little extra lemon curd on top.  And we re-watched a Stephen Colbert show from a couple of weeks ago when he had a great tap dancer on the show. Linda has taken tap lessons for many years and loves the dance. They left around 9:30, another good night with good friends.
Dinner With Linda And Ron

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