Friday, February 15, 2013

Winter Week With Grandchildren Begins Tonight

Fat Boy, A Well Fed Tree Sparrow

Ready For Fun

Up at 6:15, dark of course but gray skies as I write, 32º outside, some sun later in the day but it's supposed to get colder as the day progresses.  Possibility of lake effect snow tonight and tomorrow.  Let's hope so because we could use some for enjoying the outdoors over the next week with our grandchildren.

Yesterday, Yin Yoga began the morning for me, with an emphasis on chest openings, new poses to stretch the arms and upper back.  I am still sore from Wednesday's class, where we held the squat position against the wall for as long as we could, strengthening our thighs.  I used to have my volleyball team do this every day and forgot how hard it is.  More shopping at Sam's and Wegman's should about do it for the next three days but I doubt it.  We always have forgotten something, or want something else from the store.  Anyways,  Evie has meals made for the next couple of days, a couple of soups as well,  so we are ready for the arrival of Beth and Jill's families tonight around dinner time;.

Vegetable Soup
Mid afternoon, I went to the Lighthouse, to pick up more ground chuck and pork for the lasagna on Sunday and then stopped at Mc Clures.  They had a couple of pairs of cross country skis which they were happy to let us borrow, so now we have five pair of skis for our use over the next week.  Now all we need is snow.  When I returned home, Evie had made the ground beef and rice mixture for cabbage rolls so we then put together about twenty five for Saturday's dinner, added the tomato sauce and sauerkraut and baked them for a couple of hours.  We used my mother in law Dot's recipe but it did not seem as easy to put them together as it did when we made them with her in Scottsdale back in December.  The cabbage seemed older, tougher, harder to roll into rolls though we managed.  They will be great.

Soy/mustard glazed salmon, home fries, and garlic spinach made an easy and healthy dinner, and we watched TV, mostly news programs, till time for bed.  I am almost finished with A Fine Balance, by Rohan Mintry, a long saga set in India during the Emergency (martial law) in the mid 1970's.  It's a good read but also heart rendering, following the lives of the poor (untouchables) in often corrupt and tyrannical India, under the leadership of Indira Gandhi though she is not named.

No yoga this morning, alas, but we still have lots to do to keep us busy as we await the arrival of our kids.  It's going to be a long wait till 6:00, filled with more cooking(I am making bread again) and Evie has other things to get ready as well.  Always.

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