Marisa |
Hayden |
Halle |
Tyler and Mitch Making Fries |
7:15 |
Early Birds Get The Fish---7:15 |
Up at 5:55, total darkness, not as cold, 29º, some melting today for sure. "Click and Clack" are on NPR as I wait for "Only a Game." A solitary light, mid way out on the lake, indicates the fishermen are already out.
Yesterday was a sad day, a day where neither of us had much mojo, though Evie did manage to get quite a bit done, with very little help from me, as usual. Beth and the grandchildren left about 7:15, made good time, no snow or ice, and arrived in Darien around 3:00. Mitch kept us updated on their progress via texts to Granny. When families leave the lake, we usually have a burst of energy or we attempt to fill up the vacuum of an empty house with labor. Anyways, Evie worked on the kitchen, I cleaned the living room, took all the sheets off the beds, though I was done with my job by 9:00, ready to lie down and take a nap. Evie continued cleaning, on and off most of the day, and must have done ten loads of wash, mostly sheets and towels from the past week. Neither of us had much energy; I spent a good amount of time on the couch and finally finished my book,
House of Cards, the British novel from 1989 which both the British and American TV series was based on. My only activity was going to Smith Library, to return a couple of books and look for something else to read. No sense at the moment as to what I feel like reading, again, a symptom of lack of grandchildren.
Fortunately, we did not have to make dinner, as we had left over Shrimp with Vodka sauce, from Wednesday night's dinner. It was still great, though we added a bit more cream when we reheated it. Along with a salad and green beans with mushrooms, we were happy. We got caught up on Downton Abbey. I knew something bad was going to happen and neither of us were taken with this episode for some reason whereas we had really like the previous episode. We will miss Matthew; I assume he died in the car accident and we wondered if it was the writer's choice or Matthew's, who may have wanted to leave the series. I assume the writer's since it's such a popular series. Setting it in Scotland, with new characters and the tensions that involved seemed forced. We did enjoy The Good Wife, as the new partners banded together briefly when the firm reneged on their partnership. It created some tension, a rebellion, that was ruined when Alicia, questioning Will on the firms attempt to renege, kisses him. What a joke. And then Alicia, who we tend to admire, decides to take a partnership, throwing fellow lawyer, Carrie, aside. I wonder what the writer's are thinking? Is interest in the show waning so they want to reheat it with a Will and Alicia affair, once again?
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