Thursday, January 26, 2012

Winter Blahs Set In

A  Touch of Color at 7:45 AM
Not much to say this morning, up at 6:40, to darkness, now lightening a bit, as it's 32 degrees outside, no snow, lake still frozen, how safe I am not sure but I did see some fishing tents off of Long Point yesterday.  The fisherman cometh, whether it's winter or not.  A lazy morning as we have little planned.

Evie's going to head off to Lakewood to get her hair done, do some shopping and work out at the Lakewood Y and I am not sure what I will do, perhaps take a bike ride or walk in the woods.  Right now I feel lazy though I want to do something.  This weather does not energize me, makes me want to just sit and read.

Yesterday was a similar day.  In the morning, we went to Mayville for our Wellness Physicals, compliments of Medicare.  We then walked the CI but it was icy so it was not much fun, worrying about slipping on what looked like dry roads.  We then went to the library, took out some videos, came home to lunch, cauliflower soup and sandwiches, to left over chicken, mashed potatoes, and dressing for dinner and of course, some Chillingsworth rolls.

Turkish Film

We did watch a recommended Turkish movie called WHEN WE LEAVE.  It's a hard movie to like because of the nature of the conflict.  A daughter, Umay, leaves her husband in Istanbul, with her son, because of his abusiveness.  She returns to her family who now live in Germany and they basically ostracize her for dishonoring the family.  The customs of this traditional Muslim family, with its roots in Turkey, force her to make it on her own, though she longs for her families love.  Eventually, because of their stubbornness, she takes up with a young German, begins living with him and brings even more shame to the family.  To rid the family of this disgrace, the Umay's father asks his youngest son to participate in an honor killing, to erase the shame of the family.  The movie ends tragically, as the young brother attempts the murder, at the last moment, he cannot do it and runs.  Unfortunately, the older brother, the stereotypical Muslim fanatic, is there for support, watches his younger brother's failure, rushes towards his shamed sister and inadvertently stabs the grandchild, not the sister.  Thus ends the movie.  I wish I could find a Turkish film that doesn't end up with tragedy, usually from the clash of traditional and modern cultures, but that seems to be the major themes of the most successful Turkish films.

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