Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Waiting for Dawn

It's that time of year where I am up by 6:00 and strangely, I look forward to the dark, especially to watching the sky slowly come alight and alive, though some mornings are much more spectacular than others. Usually, a clear morning leads to a line of light on the hills above Bemus Point, which gradually becomes lighter and lighter. A cloudy sky brings no line, just a gradually lighting of the entire sky. The sun, too, depends on the amount of clouds, hidden if cloudy, spectacularly bright and blinding, if clear. For now, I just see the blinking lights across the lake on Lake Drive, and a moving green light, obviously a fisherman, out to take advantage of the early morning. I like being in my mind at this hour, reading the papers on line, checking both email and Facebook, as I get ready for the day. I am not sure what today will bring; it depends on the weather, our mood, what we want to have for dinner, how energetic we feel. Last evening, we ended up enjoying our pot roast, especially the biscuits Evie made, soaked in gravy. We watched Mad Men and the The Good Wife, before I headed off to read, take a bath, and go to bed. As I finish this brief entry, the sky is beginning to lighten, as, instead of darkness, I can begin to make out the shapes of trees, leaves, Long
Point, to other shore. We decided to head to Erie, as the day was cloudy and did not bode well for working in the yard. Evie wanted to get a portable Sirius radio player and I wanted a watch; I got my watch, but the player is out of stock, unfortunately. By the time we were through at TJ's, Best Buy, and Target, the sun was out so we headed home through Westfield, stopping at the nursery to buy four new plants, Stokes something, which bloom in the late summer. We also got a huge basket of concord grapes, Evie's favorite. For dinner, Evie made chicken picada, with rice and veggies, quite yummy. We watched The Good Wife, two shows, some Cheers, an Office, and I went up to bed to read...a good day overall.

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