Monday, October 18, 2010

A New Living Room

A gray, gray morning, gray lake, gray sky, with a glimmer on light gray on lake, the far sky, as I was up by 6:00, after a restless night, the kind you seem to keep waking up every 15 minutes and going back to sleep, or not. It was 41 degrees as I got up, pitch black, and I came down to a new living room configuration, our first since we moved in. Ron and Linda came over last night and Linda had ideas about to reconfigure our living space to take advantage of our new fire logs, so we moved the love seat opposite the couch, and moved the swivel chairs towards the fireplace, so now we have two sitting areas, one geared towards the lake, one towards the fireplace, and because of the swivel chairs, one can also see the lake. My morris chair is in such a place that I can see the fire as well as the lake, so I may end up using it alot more. I started listening to Thich Knat Hahn live from Bangkok but it was just the introduction, a singing of breathing out and in, so I will go back in a bit and see if it's interesting. Our dock did not come out yesterday, as we had thought. In fact, we missed brats and beer at the Southern Tier Brewery because Billy said they would be here about 4:30. They were here, at Woodlawn, but took out the public dock and Maryanne's, not ours. C'est la vie. They are coming Tuesday afternoon. The lake now has various shades of darkness and shimmery gray, matched by the cloud sky, another view I have never seen in this never ending spectacle of water...always changing,never the same.

Because the lake was so placid, we decided to kayak, despite the gray, and it was a marvelous paddle, across to Long Point, along the Marina, where what seemed to be 'inmates' were bringing in the park's dock. We then headed back across to Wells Bay, then skirted the coast back to the house. Evie then spent the rest of the day fine tuning our new living room, polishing furniture, cleaning the books and book shelves, vacuaming, and making it as perfect as she can get it. I went to Snug's, to pick up a lost drain plus for my boat, went up to check it was the right size, then came home, for lunch, and TV and a cat nap. While Evie got ready for her gathering with the Ladies of the Night, I took a nice walk through Victorian, saw the new house being built just beyond Giarizzo's, walked up to 394 then back down through Victoria, Aultz's, and home. Evie leaves at 7:00 tonight, so I am having left over pizza; she's taking deviled eggs for her pupus and has mixed emotions about going. I am sure she will enjoy getting to know the various women, though Roberta seems to be in such poor health that we were afraid she would have to cancel it.

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