Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Sunny And Hot For The Fourth Of July




The weather has turned and the next three days will be sunny and hot, with temperatures in the 80s, quite a contrast to the past week or two. That is if the weatherman is correct. Right now, at 6:45, the sun is struggling to peak through the morning clouds, giving the morning an overcast feel so far. A bevy of geese just floated by, the lake calm, the temperature, 65ยบ.  Well, it's 9:15 and not sunny yet but warming up, after a long hour and forty-minute paddle.

Kayak Morning

Eastern Sky

Still Cloudy

Woodlawn Heron

Monday was a strange day because it felt like a holiday, yet it wasn't one, just the day before the fourth. It was a typical day for me, starting with an hour and a half paddle, not getting home till 9:30. After breakfast and the blog, I am not sure what we did as the days have become a blur of getting the house and yard ready for our kids. For Evie it was a busy day, not so for me. Much of the morning was spent making a list and by 11:30, Evie was showered and off to Lakewood, to do some shopping for goodies at a busy Walmart. 

I enjoyed a lunch of the leftover lemon noodles from our Sunday night dinner, topped them with and fried egg, and was happy as I watched another episode of my show. Will they win the state title or be denied? I will find out today. Evie was home by 2:00, harried from the crazy traffic and shopping. I helped put away things and then she got busy making a family favorite, hanky pankies, with Velveeta cheese and hot breakfast sausage, health food! That took up a part of the afternoon but by 5:00, we were both relaxing on the front porch, enjoying a glass of wine. I know I must have done something to help but I cannot remember what other than doing up the dishes.

Dinner, fortunately, was easy, the leftover pasta with mushrooms and sausage from Saturday night and a great salad. We watched another couple of episodes of The Americans and we are still enjoying it even though we have watched it before. We both went up to bed early, as the sounds of fireworks around the lake filled the air. One more day and the kids start arriving. Yippee. 

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