Thursday, December 2, 2021

Back In The Groove


It's 7:00 and just starting to get light, the sky and lake a dull gray. It's a surprisingly warm 43º with rain predicted on and off during the day. It's 9:15 and I just returned from breakfast.  It hasn't rained yet and the sky is still overcast the lake gray.  Where went yesterday's sun?

Yesterday seemed as if we never were on a road trip for 18 days.  I was up early, relaxing with a coffee as the morning sky lightened.  Around 8:00, I gathered all my kayaking gear, shook the snow off the kayak and slid my kayak into the water, and began a paddle.  To my surprise, the early overcast sky disappeared and the sun came out, so bright that I could hardly see where I was paddling.  If I paddled south, towards Wells Bay, I could not avoid it.  I finally turned around at Sandy Bottom and it was fine paddling with the sun at my back. We then spent a good part of the morning making up a shopping list for Wegmans, making sure we had all the staples we needed on it. I left around 10:45, went to the car wash, then on the Wegman's for a big shopping day.  It was not as busy as I would have thought but then I realized it wasn't 5% Tuesday when all the golden agers shop.  I was in and out fairly quickly for me although when I returned home, as always, I forgot some things or bought the wrong thing. O, well, c'est la vie.  While I was gone, Evie was putting together another pot of her vegetable soup for the week and the house smelled good when I walked in.

For lunch, I pulled out a Pho soup bowl from Costco, recommended by my daughter,  Just add the ingredients and water, microwave it for two minutes and I had a decent bowl of Pho pronounced Faa according to my grandson, Tyler. Evie made me a cheese sandwich to go with my soup and I was a happy boy to be back in the TV room for lunch, with soup and sandwich, watching Foyle's War. Ah routine.

I finished Elizabeth Strout's most recent book, Oh, William. I really enjoyed it and thought it helped to have read Lucy Barton before Oh William because Lucy is the narrator in the book.  I tried to nap but without luck so I just sat around, paying bills on Schwab's bill pay and looking at new cameras since mine is giving me trouble. I talked with a guy at B & H Photo who suggested that cameras may become a thing of the past because of the cameras on phones. Interesting.  The camera I wanted was on backorder and would not be available for two to four weeks, just as the holidays arrive.  

We were able to relax in the living room with a glass of wine at the end of the day because we were having the leftover pasta and meatballs for dinner again.  All Evie had to do was make a salad and we were happy. We were excited to watch the last two episodes of The Morning Show on AppleTV+, then some Colbert.  The news is too depressing to watch with the school shooting in Michigan and the Supreme Court poised to end Roe vs Wade. 

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