Friday, December 20, 2019

Pink Sky Morning And 12º



It's a spectacular morning here on the frozen lake, a sky that's pink and eventually gives way to light blue, without a cloud in sight.  The sun is still 40 minutes away. And for the last 24 hours in front of our house, we have had a small opening in the frozen lake, filled with Canadian geese, perhaps 50 to a 100 yesterday, maybe 50 this morning.  By the way, tomorrow is the shortest day of the year, the 21st, the winter solstice, the longest night.

Canadian Geese This Morning
Yesterday was back to normal, with our new furniture and carpet, no waiting for the guys.  The day began with the blog, then breakfast with the guys at the Bemus Point Inn, a good way to start the day although it does make my morning hectic if I want to go to yoga.  After yoga, I got back into my routine and went to Wegmans, to begin our shopping for the holidays when our daughter Jill's family arrives.  Evie wants to have some of their favorite foods made so she can enjoy doing things with our granddaughters rather than worry about cooking.  So I filled up my shopping cart, emptied my bank account and headed home.  Evie was busy all morning working on a deep cleaning of our living room, dusty from the ripping out of our old carpet, putting in the new one. It's quite a task and she was at it until 4:30 when she was finished.  I cannot say I was much help, sitting on the couch having lunch, watching my show, then taking a nap feeling guilty. 

Geese Hunkering Down
A Huddle Of Geese
I did help out some after my nap and made dinner which was a help.  It was a recipe I found on the web for cabbage and ground beef with Asian flavors, soy, ginger, Siracha, and garlic.  Once that was done, the rice cooked, we both relaxed in our new living room and celebrated with Manhattans and a great cheese. 

Our New Furniture And Capet
It was a nice way to end the day and initiate our new couch and loveseat.  The stir fry was actually pretty good although I had my doubts and we have just enough leftover for my lunch today.  We watched a couple of Colberts, maybe 15 minutes of the debate before going up to bed, tired but happy with our week of change. 

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