Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Two More Days Of Summer




It's almost 9:00 and I haven't started my blog.  Around 7:20, the lake was so inviting that I went kayaking, saying the heck with my blog until I got back.  It was another great morning sky, constantly changing colors, from 6:00 when I got up until now.  It looks like another warm one, tomorrow, too, and then the temperature drops into the 60's, more fall like.

Yesterday we woke up with the vow to both kayak and hike before it got too hot.  Well, by the time we got around to start, it was too warm to hike, so we just kayaked.  I had kayaked earlier in the morning when it was still cool, so if we want to do both, we have to start earlier than 10:30 or so.  When we returned from our paddle, Evie put together a list on the Wegman's app. and off I went to Lakewood, making a few stops.  I checked on my boat trailer which is being fixed and found I need some major surgery on it, welding some steel to the frame to keep it safe.  Always something.  I then stopped at Ryder's for coffee and eggs, then the hardware store for spackling compound, to fix our pantry doors and finally, a long shopping day at Wegmans's.  I had yet to get my flu shot and I saw that Wegman's was offering them free, so I took ten minutes out of shopping to get the over 65 flu shot.  It hurt.  I used the Wegman's app. on my phone which I really like because it tells me when I am done, when I have picked up everything.  Before, I always forgot something.  No excuses now except for I might only get one of something when Evie had marked down two.  Life is never perfect.

Dahlin In Orange

Another Dahlia Morning
Evie had lunch ready for me when I got home, toasted cheese and soup, and she was making another batch of Napoleons, with lemon curd, cream, and raspberries.  It took us awhile to put everything away because there was a long list. Finally, everything was put away, Evie finished the Napoleons and I had my lunch and watched FNL  Evie went out to enjoy some sun and I read, napped, and joined her around 3:00.  It was pleasant in the shade of our umbrella, a little too warm for me in the sun.  I did lay out for a bit, to get sweaty, then we both jumped in the lake, which is unusually warm for this time of the year.  We wanted to get another boat ride in while we have such nice weather so we cruised over to Bemus and home, the sun hiding behind the clouds occasionally, to keep it cool.

5:56 pm
Around 6:00, we docked the boat and Evie and I quickly got dinner going, spinach, rice, and salmon.  I chopped the garlic, Evie made the sauce for the salmon, put together the salad and by 6:45 we had dinner.  We watched the first episode of Ken Burns Vietnam, moving, sad, and depressing.  And we wondered if Trump was watching it?  Maybe he might learn something about unnecessary wars and their tragic consequences.  We ended the evening enjoying a bonfire and a beer with our neighbors Joe and Betsy who were up for a couple of days from Buffalo to enjoy the weather and see the progress on their kitchen renovation.  We ended the night with Vice News which wondered, like us, why Trump brought up Puerto Rico's debt rather than the devastation wreaked on the island by the hurricane. 

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