Saturday, April 8, 2017

Blue Waters, Blue Skies (a plethora of photographs)

Kayak Morning




It's another bright, shiny spring morning, blue skies, calm lake, a yard still snow covered but not for long.  It's 41ยบ and the temperatures will do nothing but rise over the next few days putting a punctuation mark on the end of winter, perhaps.  It's now 8:23 and I just finished writing my blog.  Evie's still asleep, lucky gal.  The snow is beginning to melt as I hear the drips from the gutters.  And I just chased three Canadian geese off our front yard.  Spring is back.

Unwelcome Morning Visitors
Well, it's 9:20, and I just got back from kayaking down lake, to Wells Bay and back, a lovely, cool, bright sunny morning on the lake, easy going, a bit choppy and cold returning to Woodlawn.
A Clear, Blue Sky


Yesterday was nasty until late afternoon.  I drove to Lakewood, to yoga in a light snow, lots of slush on the icy roads and even saw a car in a ditch, no doubt in a hurry to get somewhere.  I had to clean off the windshield of my car with a broom because I had put away my winter accoutrements and take the ice off of some of the windows.  There were only five of us in yoga, all veterans, so we avoided the beginner types of postures and just had a good class of hip openers.  I guess my hips are more open.  I came straight home, bypassing the coffee shop for the fourth time this week.

Late Friday Morning
When I got home, Evie was busy getting ready to return a few things by mail and to a couple of stores.  She was excited to get in a workout, too, with her new phone, blue tooth ear buds.  So she was off by 12:30, to first get her hair trimmed by Kasee, then to work out, and finally to stop at a couple of stores if she felt like it.  I had a healthy lunch, two hot dogs and baked beans, both hit the spot.  And I still have many Wallander's to go, so I started the new season.  In this, the second season, his daughter is married and he has a five year old granddaughter.  I am reading THE EASTERN SHORE, by one of my favorite writers, the not very well known Ward Just.
6:31 PM
Evie got home around 4:30, with a few groceries, and we quickly decided to have a nice cocktail hour since we had avocados and tomatoes.  So Evie made up a guacamole and we settled down around 6:00 on our couches, just as the sky was beginning to clear and the sun would play its tricks on the opposite shore, lighting up parts of the shore line, then just Long Point, then Tom's Point, never the same.  We took lots of photos, of course, during what photographers' call the 'golden hour' but it was hard to capture the magic of it.

Tom's Point at 7:37

Bemus at 7:45
We had a dinner of leftover baked ziti with brussell sprouts and a salad, just as good as Wednesday night and we watched our kind of movie, TWENTIETH CENTURY WOMEN, a touching, often funny sketch of a single mom and her boarders, who attempt to guide the 15 year old son into manhood.  A good story, interesting characters, and a lack of the vulgar and obscene, the necessary violence or sex in many of today's movies.  We are getting to be video curmudgeons.  We ended the movie with some news, then junk TV before heading up to bed.

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