Sunday, July 31, 2016

Waiting For Our Son Tom's Family

Granny With Hayden And Halle
Evie and Marisa

Up at 6:00, some color off to the east, the sky, however, is mostly overcast.  We must have had more rain last night, as the lawn and walks are still wet, not sure how much.  At least it rained some both in the morning and last night.  It's still muggy, a warm 68ยบ already, likely to rain later in the day and get into the 80's.  The sad part of the morning, however, is that Jill and family have to leave for home today after a week with us.

Yesterday we had a wonderful rain for close to two hours.  Though it may not have added up to an inch, I will take it.  It was pleasant to have our morning coffee, surrounded by some of the family, sitting in our living room listening to the rain.  It seems like forever since we have heard rain on the trees and roofs.  It stopped around 10:00, so it was time for me to gather up the trash from the week, and take it, lots of it, off to the Transfer Station.  When I got back, Jill and Drew had picked up some ice, so we iced the drinks for the day.  I rearranged our cars, putting my Pilot up the hill, as with Tom's arrival, we were running out of parking spots.

Porching It With Most Of The Family
Moms And Cousins
Tom And Son, Nick
For some reason, perhaps the fact it was overcast, we did not spend much time out on the dock.  I swam early, after my chores but that was it.  And the girls did not hit the dock until their cousin, Marlena arrived, around 3:30, to a rousing welcome.  Finally, we had all but two of our family together if only for a night.  Because we knew that Tom's family would be dressed up from their plane trip, we immediately went to the front porch for our annual family picture.  It's always agony to get the kids to cooperate, to get eveyone in their place but it was fairly easy this year.  Perhaps they are growing up.

Halle Chic

Marlena Chic
After the pictures, as I mentioned, the girls got their suits on and were out on the dock, swimming with their Granny while the rest of us sat on the porch, drinking beer or sipping wine and talking.  Tom and Jill's families had not seen each other since December, 2016.

Ready For The Group Jump

We Are Off
Air Bound
We sat on the porch till around 7:00, enjoying each others' company, getting off it when Mitch decided to fly his drone.  And a couple of my former students and volleyball players, who were renting a house on Woodlawn, stopped over to say hi.  I don't think I have seen them since they graduated in the early 90's.  They are both mom's now, look great, and are back living in Hudson, where they grew up.  While we talked, the girls practiced their gymnastics.
Hand Stands # 1

# 2

Head Stand Perfection
Dinner was mostly easy, if they are ever easy, as Evie had made two trays of baked ziti a couple of weeks ago especially for this Saturday when we would all be together.  All she had to do is make the bechamel sauce with Mitch's help, along with corn, salad, and garlic bread, we feasted, as everyone loves Evie's baked ziti.

Dinner For Thirteen
Dishes were done quickly, some bean bag was played, and then the girls and guys played another game of Telefunky until around 10:00. We then sat around the living room, no one wanting to go up to bed, played a few rounds of charades before heading up to bed. The best part of the evening was dessert, ice cream sandwiched between two layers of a molasses cookie, a Marisa special.  Everyone loved it, wanted more, and the recipe.  Our family sure enjoys cooking.
Nick, The Card Shark
Telefunky With Funky Aunt Jill

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