Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Not Much Of A Snowfall

It's 7:40 and I am already tired of all the pundits predictions for the primaries in New Hampshire. Let's just make Donald Trump President and get on with it.   There must be other news out there.  Not much of a winter day so far, 30º, with a pathetic attempt at a snowfall.  It will come.

Yesterday may have been the ideal couple's retirement day, at least according to some.  The morning began with my taking off for a good yoga class at 9:30.  Lots of pigeon poses, which kill my knees. Then a stop at Ryder's Cup, which is becoming like family, as I am getting to know all the regulars, the owner, Joyce, her parents, her kids, her sisters, and now grandchildren, as well as a couple of locals...a place where everyone knows your name!  When I got home, just around noon, Evie had gotten my lunch together and was ready to take off to mail her last batch of Valentine cookies and for the gym.  She was excited to workout because on Sunday, our son Tom called to say he had just subscribed to Apple Music and he was able to include five other devices in the service, including us.  This means we can virtually play any song or album on our Sonos system, or on Evie's iPhone.  So she couldn't wait to try it out during her workout.  After she left, I heated my soup, made my chicken salad sandwich, watched some TV and took a too brief siesta.  It was a cloudy day so it felt good to stay inside for the early afternoon.

When Evie returned home, it was 3:30, so we switched places, and I drove off to the Chautauqua Institution for a long overdue walk of the grounds.  I needed some fresh air, wanted some exercise and to stop at the library.  So I was gone for an hour and a half, a good walk, checking on the two new houses going up on the grounds.  Both are well on their way to being finished by late June.  As for the amphitheater, it now has at least 30 steel support bars in the interior, obviously needed to support the aging roof.  And the controversy over its rehabilitation or demolition and starting anew should be decided on this Thursday.

A Few Of The Support Bars At Amphitheater
I was home at 5:00 and Evie already had dinner ready for the oven,  portobello mushrooms stuffed with garlic spinach, tomatoes and cheese which she had put together in the morning.  So we both grabbed a glass of wine and sat down to enjoy each others company for the first time in the day.  We always remembered the story of a retired couple that rarely saw each other during the day even though they both were retired and lived together but always met before dinner, the beginning of their evening together.  This rarely happens for us, yesterday was the exception although Evie usually has her mornings free when I go to yoga and I have a couple of hours alone in the afternoon when Evie goes to gym.  The best days, however, are when we can do something active together, like a long hike in Allegheny State Park,  kayaking in the morning, or like Sunday when we hiked the French Creek Preserve, then had pancakes and sausage at Red's Pancake House.

Dinner was great as always, healthy and filling, and we watched Billions, on Showtime, which wants us to feel sorry for a billionaire who is being harassed by the authorities for illegalities.  Then we watched Bill Maher's Real Time.  He makes me laugh, and we like him even though he can be outrageous at times.  Because he's a comic, a satirist, he gets away with saying things that anyone else would be pilloried for.  And he's always been known for being vehemently anti religious and pro marijuana, which are the hallmarks of most of his shows.

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