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8:00 |
Up at 6:15, Evie at 6:30, rare for her, so we sat on our couches, sipping coffee, not saying a word, immersed in our devices. In the 1960's and 1970's it would have been newspapers; the 1990's Morning TV shows, from 2000 on, the Internet. What's next for early morning.
Yesterday was a gray day, with light snow on and off, making it a lovely day to be outside, gentle flakes occasionally blurring your vision. I went to yoga at ten, two other gents besides myself, a rare occurrence at morning yoga. A good class, though we spent the first half of class doing standing asanas, some quite strenuous, thus it was great to move to the yoga mat. A stop for a coffee, to support the locals, and home, for a lunch of left over moussaka and healthy minestrone soup.
Evie enjoyed her morning, doing her thing, deciding to work out in the afternoon and shop at Wegman's. She was excited about the shopping because she had been playing around with the new Wegman's app on her iPad. It allows her to make up a shopping list (and save it), by typing in a product, and it will tell her the aisle and price, and if there are other choices, it will list them as well. Click save and you have your Wegman's list. It was quite helpful, worked well, especially since Wegmans, as I have mentioned, has redone it's aisles. All she needed to do was connect to their WiFi and she was off, iPad perched on her cart.
Tom's Point |
While she spent the afternoon at the YMCA and Wegman's, I ate lunch, watching another violent episode of Banshee, why I am not sure. But the outdoors was so enticing, the light snow, the fishing guys heading out that I had to cross country ski. There was a thin layer of snow on the ice, making it great from skiing so I went as far as the power boat club and when I started heading back, I skied around a wet spot but I could feel my skis starting to break through the ice and found myself in a couple of inches of water, on another layer of ice, my front skis under the top layer. Scary. I had fallen forward, on my knees, but righted myself, stood up, pulled my skis back, from under the ice, and started to ski away, but the ice kept breaking for the first two or three pulls with my ski poles. Finally, I found solid ice and skied off, shaken, wet on my feet and knees, and quite a ways from home. Fortunately, I was not very wet, so I was warm most of the way back and I wisely stayed close to the shoreline. I am not sure why my skis broke through the ice; guys are walking in and out on the lake, pulling sleds, all day long. My only guess would be that I was too close to a wet spot, where for some reason the ice was thin, at least on the surface. It certainly makes me think twice about skiing on the lake. If I had fallen in deeper water, it would have been very difficult to extricate my skis. My new mantra: avoid wet spots, stay close to the shoreline.
Woodlawn Taken From Tom's Point |
We had the leftover stout, pork, sweet potato, and white bean stew for dinner, even better than Monday, having sat out side for two nights in the cold. We watched two more episodes of
Top of the Lake, critical as usual of some of the seemingly gratuitous violence and sex. They cannot make a show without both any more. And we ended the night watching the first episode of American Idol. I admit I enjoyed it, much more upbeat and classy, less of the poor souls who have their dreams squashed. It actually may be good this year.
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