Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sunny and Cold...For September

Up much later than usual, about 7:20 to a living room filled with sun light, what a difference from the past two mornings.  We even had a  frost warning for last night but it only got down to the low forties, and right now, it's 45 degrees out side.  It looks like a spectacular day at this point, not a cloud and cool, just right for a hike somewhere.

Yesterday was a strange day, as we did not do much of anything, other than plan to take a walk at the CI, which we didn't mostly because the day revolved around extended phone calls with people wishing Evie a happy birthday.  Almost every time we planned to do something, someone would call and the impetus was lost by the time she was finishing talking.  So, it was a strange birthday for Evie.

We did have a great birthday dinner, T-bones, mushrooms, salad, and home fries, instead of going out to dinner.  We watched an older movie, from the 1990's called Marvin's Room, with an amazing cast, Meryl Streep, Diane Keaton, Leonardo Di Caprio (as a teen) and Robert De Niro.  It's the story of two estranged sisters brought together when Keaton is diagnosed with cancer. A bit slow, great acting, but a just above average movie.

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