Friday, September 7, 2012

Heavy Fog and Dampness Fill the Air


With Scott Shorten and Mike Cassell
Dinner in our Yard

Woke at 4:00, then 5:30, got up at 5:45 if anyone cares, and why should you?  Blackness outside but now, 6:40 I can just make out our dock and  boat, everything beyond is shrouded in fog.  It's a cool morning, 57 degrees, cooler today and tomorrow's high is supposed to be a chilly 64 degrees, prepping us for the coming of fall I suppose,  Signs of fall, the leaves falling on the lawn, a later sunrise, earlier sunset, the maples beginning to turn, and a chill in the air.

Yesterday was spent mostly getting ready for the visit of my friends from Hudson.  For Evie, it meant getting dinner prepped and making me a coconut birthday cake, my favorite since childhood.  It was a humid day, so early morning, when I gathered some weeds, cut some wood for our outdoor fireplace, I worked up quite a sweat despite the fact it was only in the 70's.  I also made a black  bean soup for the week, more like a chili actually.  Mike Cassell and Scott Shorten arrived around 4:15.  We took a long boat ride, up towards Fluvanna, a great day to be on the almost empty lake, warm but not too hot.

We got back about 6:30 and had dinner at 7:00, as Evie made a great pasta with sun dried tomatoes, shrimp and asparagus.  We had coconut cake for dessert, as we sat outside and enjoyed our new fire pit.  It  gets dark now by 8:00 and we sat outside talking tell 9:30 when we went in and watched Obama give his speech.  By 11:00, we were all in bed, tired from a long day, especially Evie who was busy all day getting ready for 'the boys.'

We went out for breakfast in Ellery at The Country Cow, came back and sat around and talked until about 11:30 when they left for Hudson.  A good visit.

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