Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Foggy Saturday Morning


Heron and Ducks

Fog Rising
Kinney's Run
Up at 7:20, to a lake obscured by fog, just the silhouettes of feeding ducks and a heron on the lake in front of Leonards, an area that seems to attract wildlife, perhaps because it's relatively shallow compared to our lake front.  It's a chilly 40 degrees, as the sun has just peaked out above the bank of fog over the Bemus Point skyline.  It looks like a fine day, with rain to come in later tonight, highs in the 60's, as we wait for a warm day, in the 70's, to go for a boat ride or Presque Isle one more time.  The leaves are changing, the leap peepers will be in attendance all around the state.  We will join them, next Thursday, when we head to Darien for five days.

Yesterday reminded me of Seinfeld, a day about nothing. Neither one of us felt like doing anything and luxuriated in the thought that we did not have to do anything.  I did take an early morning walk, up Kinney's Trail, around through the Woodlawn and Victorian Woods, and back along the lake front, a nice, easy thirty minute walk.  We did do a few things, the major focus being a Chinese dinner, with all the chopping it takes to get that ready.  And I did ride into town, to get my tires rotated, radiator filled with antifreeze (the dealer forgot to fill it), and I also went to Wegman's to pick up some food for the week.  Lots of little trips but it took me a couple of hours.  We did have a few drops of rain, some in the morning, some in the afternoon, but it did not amount to much.  Dinner was a stir fry of mostly vegetables and some pork left over and frozen from this past summer.  It was perfect with brown rice as our carb.  We watched a couple more episodes of Damages, complaining how it did not measure up to previous seasons but we kept watching.  I finished my Jack Reacher book, a bit of a late down in the second half, as I will tell in my review.

We look forward to another great day, having the sun out is always exhilarating, making me want to do something outside.  We will have to see.

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