Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Painted Sky, as Mist Rises on Lake Chautauqua

Kayaking to Maple Springs
Amazing Clouds as we Kayak

Maple Springs House

A Sign We See Quite Often in Chautauqua County

Pick Up Truck, Perfect
Up around 7:45, an Arizona like sky, pinks and oranges battle with a puffy clouds to paint the sky.  It's still unseasonably cool, whatever that means these days with our bizarre weather patterns, 48 degrees, a mostly sunny and cool day to follow.

Yesterday started out with a windless morning the lake, so calm we had to kayak.  So, off we went on another kayaking/walking adventure, this time to Maple Springs, about a forty five minute paddle, easy and fun.  We parked our kayaks on what appeared to be a right of way, at the south end of Maple Springs,  We then took a nice walk though the village, picturesque because it still has most of the older cottages, with few if any knock downs and new homes, which has happened on many parts of the lake,  the only exception being the condos that went up where the Maple Springs hotel once stood.  Our walk was marred only by the disgusting anti Obama signs we found on a couple of homes.  It gives you some idea of the crazy political beliefs of some of the people in this area.  My guess is the homeowner or family is either on disability or medicaid or social security, or all three, yet hates socialism, as if it's a cancer, not a program that is keeping Americans alive.  What a world we live in.  Our paddle home was quite an ordeal, as the winds had picked up, the waves large enough to get me wet though it did not seem to take much longer to return, again about forty five minutes.

Later in the day, I drove over to Fluvanna, as my neighbor, Bill Leonard, had dropped his boat off at Dave Lawson's on the Chadakoin River.  He needed a ride back and I needed to pick up a half bushel of tomatoes at Petersons', for Evie to slow roast and freeze.  And that's how Evie spent most of the afternoon, roasting tomatoes in both the oven and grill, a time consuming effort.  Late afternoon, I drove to the CI, for a short bike ride, stopped in the library, lifted some Jerusalem artichoke flowers from a construction sight, and got home just in time to watch the beginning of the tennis finals.  Unfortunately, the stations here preempted the match with various programing, so I missed a good part of the match, even the final two sets.  Can't preempt Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy for a night or the local news!  For dinner, we had one of our favorites, Greek/lemon chicken, with rice and corn, and we finished up Breaking Bad.  What are we going to do now that we have seen all fifty plus episodes?  Wait till next year for the final season I guess.

Before going to bed, I finished the latest in my quest to read all pulp fiction, Robert Crais's Taken, as Elvis Cole and Joe Pike take on various cartels in LA.  Needless to say, they win, the cartel lose.

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