Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Sunny Wednesday Morning, Again!


Maples in Spring
The spring, so far, has been amazing, somewhat like the winter, in that we have more than our usual amount of sunshine, not as much rain as we expect, and its warmer than most winters and springs here at the lake.  This morning is not exception, a cloudless sky, bright sun rising, and 37 degrees outside, with a high in the 50's and no rain expected.  I sit here, listening to Morning Joe on Sirius, as they debate whether Santorum should stay in the race, their assumption being that Romney has the nomination wrapped up.  It's interesting to hear their take on Romney, as they argue how electable he is.  They seem to forget that people mostly vote parties, thus almost half the nation would vote for Porky Pig if he were the democratic or republican candidate.  Romney has been diced and sliced by the media, so it's difficult to see who he really is.  And he hasn't helped as he has been forced, in order to get elected, to move to the right  to please conservatives.   That he could have been the Governor of a liberal state of Massachusetts suggests that their were qualities and beliefs that could appeal to democrats.  Will he revert back to some of his earlier positions, once he gets the nomination (becoming the Etch of Sketch nominee) is the question.  His choice: risk losing the conservatives by modifying some of his positions  in order to attract some democrats and independents, or stay conservative, cater to the far right and lose the independents.  Either way I predict a  close race, with Obama winning a squeaker in the end as long as no huge change occurs, like the Iranian kidnapping during Carter's last year, or the Wall Street debacle during Bush's last year.  I wish people would remember that what a politician promises and what he ends up being able to do are almost as different as night and day.  Both Obama and Romney promise us the world, Romney a return to the 1950's and Obama, a vibrant, sustainable, new world.  Neither seem possible with politics being the way they are.  How could Obama be successful with the single goal of the Republicans being to defeat and oppose anything he proposes.  Would the democrats do the same to Romney if he were elected?  Perhaps but they seem more wiling to compromise but I could be wrong.  Neither candidate is as bad as painted by their opposition.

Yesterday was a big shopping day for Evie, off to Weggies and then to Old Navy and TJ's to look at spring clothes and browse.  I was left at home, fortunately, as I tend to get impatient (very) when Evie shops.  Instead, I took a long kayak paddle along the shore, all the way to the tip of Tom's Point and back.  It was quite windy, even cold when I started, about 10:00 but within the first ten minutes, the wind died down, and it was a perfect morning for a paddle.  I noticed that the reeds, which I had photographed a few weeks ago, peaking up through the water, have more or less disappeared again, perhaps because of the cold weather but I am not sure.  Maybe the ducks have chewed the tops off but they are not as prevalent for sure.  It took about an hour and by the time I returned, I had worked up a sweat.

Lake House in Spring
We spent the afternoon getting somewhat organized, as we leave for Darien tomorrow morning, but that's what we will be doing most of today, getting ourselves and the car packed for our trip East.  I have been reading Jeffry Eugenides THE MARRIAGE PLOT, the third novel of his I have read.  This is very readable and its fun to read someone who can really write, whose prose sings, quite different from the lighter fictions I have been reading lately.

For dinner, we tried a Boboli Pizza dough, two for five bucks, with sauce and it was pretty good.  One crust was enough for the two of us and I all we needed to do was add cheese, mushrooms, and some pepperoni and in ten minutes it was ready to go.  The sauce was tasty, had some bite to it, and we both liked the pizza.  An easy way to have a quick meal.  We watched Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, then  Smash, which we are beginning to enjoy, then to bed early, as we were both tired.

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