Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Morning, Darien

Picking Up Marisa at School

Mitch's Newest Pottery

Mitch's Plates

Marisa relaxed
I am the first one up, like always, and even Rami is sleeping in.  Marisa is the first one up after me, then Mitch, and both Evie and Rami are still sleeping at 7:30.  Marisa and I have been talking about her Lemony Snicket books and she's on her 10th volume. It's amazing how detailed a young person's memory is; she knows all the details from the various volumes.   It looks like a great day, sunny, high in the 50's, a perfect day for a hike or walk, anything outside.

We had an easy ride yesterday, 435 miles door to door and it takes us little over seven hours, with two stops, for breakfast and lunch, once in Bath, once just outside of Middletown on # 84.  It's still winter along # 86, the trees a lavender color, the only green the occasional pine forest, a pretty ride especially when we get to the Catskills, around Roscoe and their famous diner.  The early spring goes for Darien as well, a few fruit trees and the forsythia are in bloom but none of the deciduous trees.  We arrived at Beth's around 2:30 and hurried off to meet Marisa at school at 3:00, our usual routine.  Beth picked up Tyler and Brian around 3:30, got packed, and headed off, with Brian's Mom to Bucknell for twenty four hours.  They are spending Thursday night in Lewisburg, have tours and interviews Friday, and should be home tonight around 7:30, depending when they leave.

So, it was Mitch and Marisa, with Evie and I till Rami got home, around 8:30.  For dinner, we had the baked ziti Evie brought, along with garlic bread and my banana bread, which the kids devoured.  We relaxed and played with the kids in the afternoon, then after dinner, went out for a fun walk with Mitch on his long board and Marisa and Cody.  This is our typical evening routine, to walk the street about dusk, with flashlight. Mitch brought along a kite, so he would long board down the hills on their street, with his kite trailing behind him, a bit of a drag.  It was neat but he had to watch for electrical wires, which crossed the road at various spots.   Cody loves the walk as well, so it's a great way to end the day.  Rami, as I mentioned, got home late, so we sat around talking until about 10:30 then we all went to bed.  Marisa, however, went to bed around 8:00 which is her normal time.  Perhaps that's why she's the  first one up.

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