Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sticky Buns for Easter Breakfast, the Best

The Cook and His Sous Chefs

Granny with Marisa and Tyler

Cookies by Marisa, Letty and Evie

Decorating Eggs
Again, Rami and I are up about 6:45 but now it's 7:15 and Evie's up, getting the dough ready to make sticky buns and both Marisa, Mitch, and Lettie, Rami's sister are up so it's a very full TV room, with two dogs as well.  It's 38 degrees out and should be another nice day.  The two kids just found their Easter baskets, more chocolate, just what they need.  I want to enjoy the day but am already thinking of the fact we are heading home to Chautauqua early tomorrow morning and will have to pack our things and get everything in the car later today, so we are organized.  Enjoy the moment!

The Mess
Yesterday, a clear, sunny warm day, was busy for all of us.  It started with my going off to the local bagel shop for a dozen of their finest, cinnamon sugar being the favorite.  These are the best bagels, especially the everything as they are not niggardly with their spices.  We went through an entire package of cream cheese as well.  I took Cody for the morning walk, as everyone else was lazy.  Later, Mitch and Rami and  I went off to a few stores, picking up some parts of Mitch's skateboard and we stopped in REI just to look around.  Later, I went to an Indian grocery store to pick up some spices and pulses that I cannot get in Chautauqua, especially the paneer cheese, which we all like.
Mitch Helps Out

We then went to dog park with Lettie and Marisa, crowded with lots of families and the little kids just loved petting Cody and Lettie's dog Bella, a cuddly white fur ball.  Beth and Rami were out looking for accessories for the redoing of their downstairs bathroom.  Then, Evie and Marisa and Lettie decorated cookies, then boiled and colored some eggs, getting things ready for Easter.  Everyone wanted sticky buns so Evie made up the dough before dinner.  Rami made his special pork chops for dinner, with a bam bam spices he read about on line.  The chops are covered with this coating of melba toast and spices, then baked for about twenty five minutes.  I made a special Indian dish, spinach with browned cubes of paneer cheese, with various Indian spices, both hot and spicy.  We also had mashed potatoes, so it was a great Saturday night dinner, finished off with 7 pound chocolate cake.

We ended up watching various programs on TV, no movies, some of us in the sun room, others in the TV room.  Usually Evie ends up in the TV room with Tyler watching reruns of Seinfeld or The Office, the rest in the sun room.  We ended up straggling up to bed around 11:00, leaving Tyler downstairs to watch a movie.

We are looking forward to Easter, nothing special planned, other than I am sure some walks with the dogs and grand kids.  Instead of leg or lamb, we succumbed to the kids and are having juicy lucy burgers with homemade french fries.  Why not?

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