Wednesday, January 5, 2011

At the Lake Again

It's pitch black out my front window, though about 3 inches of snow fell last night, and I have yet to see a light on the lake, the first fisherman.  It's strange to be back at the lake and making last night's dinner seemed so boring with no grandchildren around and the evening, too, seemed strange with no kids to put to bed.  It's going to take awhile to get used to being back at the lake.

We watched a quirk comedy, City Island, with Andy Garcia and Julia Marguiles.  Set in the present, Garcia is a frustrated want a be actor, who works in a prison.  He just happens to discover one of the young hoods about to be paroled is his love child from his first girl friend.  He brings  the young man home to his family and he's the catalyst for the family discovering each others' secrets.  I would give it 2 1/2 tomatoes.

I just got back from a walk up the hill and around the neighborhood and I must readjust my estimate of snow---we have had 6-8 inches over night and it's still snowing.  It's a beautiful light snow, the kind that sticks on trees, making their green tipped with white frosting.  I saw Corky digging out; he heads to Florida in a week, and Becky Deault, who was out walking her cat and taking the snow off her car.  It felt great to be outside in the white world of snow, walking up the hill, enjoying the outdoors, the woods and the lake.

Went into Mayville and to the library though the roads were quite slippery.  Later in the day, I went for a walk through the camp ground, around 3:30 and the sun was out, making it a nice afternoon to walk.  No one was around so I felt like I had the woods to my self.

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