Saturday, June 3, 2023

A Misty 74º Saturday Morning



It's sunny and warm, 62º already on another cloudless morning of sun. I shouldn't complain but as I mentioned yesterday, the area is parched. Ironically, the weather app said it was raining yesterday afternoon in our area but all we had was blue skies and 85º. Looking out at the lake, it feels and looks like a morning in the heat of summer, maybe August, not June 3rd. It's just 7:00 as I finish this, Evie's still sleeping and I am ready to go for a paddle. It's 8:50, Evie's up and I paddled for an hour and a half, over to Sunset Bay, along Long Point, over to Sandy Bottom, and home. It felt good to be out there this morning. 

Kayak Morning

Same Dock, Same Common Merganser

Heron Hiding In The Trees

On The Dock

Yesterday was another day of working outside until we became too hot, then we went inside to relax, read or hit the internet on our phones and call our daughter Beth, who was celebrating her 57t birthday. The day started with a long paddle, down to Snug Harbor and back, By the time I returned,  I was already tired. I can hardly remember what I did in the morning other than occasionally moving the hose from one plant to another every ten or fifteen minutes. While I did this and broke up some of the ground for Evie's dahlias, she did the planting.  And when I say watering, we had the sump pump pulling water from the lake most of the day, soaking the garden, and the bushes around our house as well as our new trees. Oh, yea, I just remembered something; I also spent a half hour weeding and edging around our newest trees. 

Lunch was the last of the leftover pasta with mushrooms and then I showered because I had my six-month appointment with a dermatologist at 1:00. It went quick and she froze three or four areas as usual. I then stopped at Home Depot and bought a new drill since the old drill batteries would only hold a charge for a day. I finished my shopping at Aldis and picked up a few things for dinner. When I returned home, our neighbors were sitting on our front porch playing Bananagrams with Evie as their house was being shown, not much fun for them, especially Joyce. It was only two so I read some, a new book, Gallows View by British writer, Peter Robinson, and napped briefly. Around 4:30, the sun began to hide behind the trees, shading the garden so that Evie and I worked on readying the ground for more dahlias and of course, I watered all of them once she was finished. We worked up enough of a sweat to put on our bathing suits, grab a libation and sit on the dock late afternoon. Evie even had the courage to jump in the lake for the first time this year and it was surprisingly warm, a result of the warm days the past week or two.

Dinner was burgers and the last of Linda's potato salad. And we watched the end of the series The Last Thing He Told Me, pretty bad, as well as the usual which I won't mention because if you read the blog, you know what they are. 

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