Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Chilly To Hot As Summer Begins


It's 6:00 as I begin this blog on a 64º morning although it will get up into the 80s later in the day, At the moment, the sky is overcast, a dark gray almost blue, with a fishing boat or two cruising by. It's just after 8:00 and I paddled for over an hour and observed lots of waterfowl but my camera battery died so I only photographed an osprey and heron.  How upsetting. I did, however, for the second day in a row find a buoy along the shoreline which broke loose from either a boat or dock. I find a couple each year, and probably could start a buoy store.

Kayak Morning

Scavenging For Buoys

Clearing Skies


Great Blue Heron Striking A Pose

Yesterday was pleasant enough and ended up being chilly by the end of the day. I paddled for over an hour, came home and wrote the blog, and had breakfast. Evie had little on the agenda for the day so I drove off to Bemus Point for a bicycle ride through the village and Long Point State Park.  Unfortunately, as I was riding through the woods, I slowed down to go over a bridge and my wheel twerked as I came off the bridge and I had to jump off to avoid a fall.  It bent or twisted my brake pads so I could hardly move my bike. Happily, two young guys rode by, knew how to work on bikes, and were able to loosen the brake pads so I could ride back to my car although it was tough since the pads kept sticking, I then drove to Lakewood to drop my bike off but of course, the shop was closed on Mondays. I guess Joe and I have something else besides age in common.

June Green Trail At Long Point

I didn't get home until 12:30 and was not very hungry, depressed by my bike, so I had a bagel with cream cheese and tomato and watched Peaky Blinders which picked up my mood. I am getting into it again. The rest of the afternoon I either read, napped, or relaxed either on the porch or living room couch, reading my new Disma Hardy book. The series keeps getting better and better.  Around 4:30, we went out in the garden and dug up two small lilac trees and replanted them under the TV room window, hoping they will thrive in a new environment. 

We had a makeshift dinner since neither of us were very hungry nor wanted to hassle with it. So we made a sheet pan of french fries, a large salad and I ate a warmed-up leftover burger and that was dinner. We watched a great film from 2006 called The Namesake, based on one of Jumpta Lahiri's novels. A family from India moves to New York City and tries to fit in with modern culture while retaining their Indian traditions. We loved it and what a contrast to the previous night's disaster, "Jerry and Marge Go Large." We ended the night with Jeopardy. 

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