Friday, January 21, 2022

A Zero Degree Morning






Well, it's 8:47 and cold outside, zero when I got up at 7:15, a 1º at the moment.  After I made my coffee I looked out at the lake and was surprised to see three or four tents already out on the ice despite the cold and the early morning. And we had an amazing sunrise over Wells Bay although at the moment, the clouds have obscured most of it. 

Tufted Titmouse

Heading Home at 8:15AM

Yesterday was a good day despite the cold weather, the two or three inches of snow in the evening, After breakfast, we decided we wanted to get in some exercise despite the single digits.  Smartly, we waited until 11:00 when it warmed up into the low teens and drove over to Long Point State Park.  Evie was snowshoeing and I was going to cross country ski.  We almost turned around after the first couple of hundred yards because it was so cold.  We stuck with it, however, and it was better once we got in the woods and the wind was at our back.  In fact, by the time we returned, my hands had warmed up and I was sweating.  It was not the best of conditions because the trail was rough, crusty, and icy in many areas, the result of hikers.  It was not great fun for me, no problem for Evie in her snowshoes.

It's Cold Outside

We returned home around 12:30, feeling righteous for having been out in the woods for forty-five minutes. For lunch, Evie boiled up some noodles, warmed up the leftover beef stew and I had a great lunch. Earlier, we had decided we were going out for dinner, so there was no worry about prepping dinner.  Instead, we relaxed until 3:00 when we both drove to Jamestown for an eye appointment for me, some shopping for Evie.  I was with the doctor for forty-five minutes and will need new glasses, as my most recent prescription needs more than tweaking. 

We didn't get home till 4:30 and then we both showered, got dressed, and drove off to Webb's, meeting Ron and Linda at the bar at 6:30.  As we hoped, the bar was empty and we were the only customers there all night except for the fine bartender, Remington.  It's a lovely place, with lots of wood, booths, comfortable bar chairs, reminding me of a cozy men's club from the 1950s.  It's only's expensive.  We sat around talking until at least 8:00, enjoying beers, appetizers, and a burger, their bar menu. It felt good to get out and feel fairly safe from Covid, as the four of us have had boosters. We left around 8:30 and vowed to do it more often.

Dininng At Webb's Bar

We walked out into the parking lot and had to clean the snow off our car and drove home in flurries, a surprise.  We had enough time after we got home to watch a couple of shows, Jeopardy and Colbert a and some news before going up to bed.  It was a good day, getting in a hike and going out for dinner. 

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